
2011/9/5 Darius Damalakas <darius.damala...@gmail.com>

> Hi, just installed Panini and hugin, they both fail to run with this
> output:
> Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":1.0".
> >Which version of Ubuntu? What processor?
> Ubuntu 11.04, Core i5
> >Which version of Hugin?
> >Where did you install it from?
> >Did you compile Hugin yourself?
> Stable, installed using instructions found here:
> http://wiki.panotools.org/wiki/index.php?title=Hugin_Compiling_Ubuntu#Stable
> Some additional info:
> gksu nvidia-settings yields an error: You do not appear to be using
> the NVIdia X Driver.
> # Contents of xorg.conf
> dark@silvutis-flying:~$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> Section "Device"
>        Identifier      "Default Device"
>        Option  "NoLogo"        "True"
> EndSection
> Should I try the unstable, or is issue with my video driver?   I can
> watch 720p video normally, no lag.
Your X video current driver doesn't support OpenGL and therefore not glx
either. You need that for both Panini and Hugin.  Are you using some
standard VESA driver?
If you do have a nnvida graphics card then also install the nvidia x driver.


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