I bumped into a problem trying to stitch a panorama with hfov >360° (in fact 
about 4x360° :) )
Starting with the next photo after 360°, hugin detects the same objects as 
in the first photo, so the resulting panorama will be 360° with 4 "layers". 
This is normal but I'd like the panorama to continue beyond 360° (to show 
evolution of the objects and scenery in time -if you were wondering why) and 
for this to happen, I'd need to force the CP detector to always look for CPs 
between photo n and n+1. This way the photos would be chained side by side, 
no matter what's their content...
Is this possible? Has anyone managed to make a wider panorama?
I also tried to stitch 4 360° panoramas, then open a new project and stitch 
the results into a 4x wide panorama, but the result was the same, the 
objects were recognized and the 4 panoramas placed one over the other, not 


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