2011/11/5 kfj <_...@yahoo.com>

> On 5 Nov., 07:22, Greg 'groggy' Lehey <groog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Have you tried hugin masks?
> >
> > As I was going to say.  But in my experience, only exclude masks
> > work.  Has anybody got include masks to work as well?
> They work for me as well, though I don't use them so much. It only
> took me a while to understand what precisely they do and how to employ
> that. Include masks basically put exclude masks on all other images
> that coincide with the mask and leave the image with the include mask
> unmasked. That's the only way to do it since the blending stage has no
> notion of masks, only of alpha channels, so you can only take away
> bits from images. And that's also the reason why overlapping include
> masks don't work - you get holes in the pano. The content is taken
> from the bit that's masked with the include mask, excluding all other
> content other images could provide for that area.

So that's what was happening sometimes when I used include masks. Couldn't
Hugin rather use a more intuitive logic: merge the parts where two include
masks overlap? This could be achieved by setting the alpha channel to 0
only if the pixel is not part of an include mask.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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