On 2 Dez., 16:27, kfj <_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I wrote to the guy running the website if he could think of an easy
> way to get the data as TIFF or JPEG so it would be convenient to pull
> into a panorama.

I did a proof of concept: I took the GIFs and put them together into
one picture (used nip2), then put that into hugin (as 360° hfov
cylindrical, a guess, equirect made little difference), plus one of my
360X180s spherical from the 'same spot'. Added 8 CPs and otimized for
e in the artificial image (it's horizon isn't in the middle) and for
y,p,r in the 360X180. It optimized fine considering the not-too-
precise rendition of the closer-by features in the artificial image
(came to 7 mean distance, the images being 6000X3000 and 7200X3600,
respectively) and came up with a pitch of 1.4 for my 360X180, so I
suppose that's by how much I must have been off true horizon. The fit
is quite convincing (layered them in gimp to check), and the better
the further away the peak is.


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