Hello everyone,

I would like to use hugin's remapping tools in order to stabilize the
motion of a camera in sports videos like this one:

My goal is to generate a video with a static background in order to
obtain something like that:

Some research papers recently reported the success of stitching
methods for this purpose (but without any details).

Note that I want to automatically process a large quantity of videos
and frames. Therefore, manual intervention is not possible and
everything must be scripted (no GUI).

I have spent some time on this already, but I still have a problem
with the global alignment part.
My pipeline is the following:
1) generate a .pto project file
2) automatically detect control points (on the background only)
between each pair of adjacent frames (t, t+1)
3) run autooptimizer
4) run nona
5) combine the generated .tiff images in a video with ffmpeg

The result I get is something like this, which is completely wrong:

Step 1 and 2 are working ok. Consequently, I believe that the problem
might be in step 3 or 4. I run autooptimizer with the following
options "-p -s". Using "-a" takes way too much time and yields the
same result.

What am I doing wrong? More specifically, why are the frames always
centered and not shifted like the correctly stabilized video mentioned
above? Is it because I provide control points only between frames t
and t+1?

Finally,  do I use the good tools or is there something else for my

Sorry for the lengthy e-mail, but I hope it's clear enough. I could
really use the help!



PS: The python interface to hugin is a great great idea! Thank you for

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