2012/1/9, Gnome Nomad <gnomeno...@gmail.com>:
> On 01/08/2012 10:52 PM, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
>> 2012/1/9, Gnome Nomad<gnomeno...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hugin 2011.4.0.cf9be9344356 running on Aptosid (Debian Sid). System
>>> recently installed from scratch but using my home folder from Lenny.
>>> Assistant runs and finishes, then Hugin vanishes away. I believe it's
>>> related to having the Overview showing in the Fast Preview. Someone on
>>> the list figured out some way to turn off Overview in the Fast Preview
>>> window. How?
>> IIRC, open Hugin without any project, open the Fast Preview, make sure
>> the Overview is disabled, then close Hugin, Hugin should remember the
>> setting next time.
> Hmm, how do you open Hugin without a project? Until some images are
> added, all of the preview buttons are greyed out.

So I did not remember correctly, after all :-) Ok, I found the
solution here https://bugs.launchpad.net/hugin/+bug/792896/+activity

> *WORKAROUND FOR USERS*: disable the Overview
> 1- start Hugin
> 2- load a project
> 3- go to the Fast Preview Window. don't touch anything else but described 
> below as this >
> could trigger the bug
> 4- hit the button Show/Hide to hide the Overview
> 5- quit Hugin
> Now Hugin should perform well.

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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