On Sat 26-May-2012 at 12:32 +1000, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:

Yes, but this one (although a very nice photo) has internal
reflections from the sun.  The reason I cover the sun with my hands is
to get rid of these reflections.  I take two photos of the same view,
one with my hand in front of the sun, one without.  The one with my
hand in front has no obvious flare or reflections, and I can mask out
only the sun from the one without the hand.

I do something similar, though I shoot one with my left hand covering the sun then another with my right hand. The result after masking out my arms, is a small hole where the sun should be and no lens flares. I do the same in the opposite direction to hide my shadow, the result is just the shadow from the camera as if it was floating in space.

This description would be better with some illustration..


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