On Mon, 28 May 2012 23:38:16 -1000, Gnome Nomad wrote:
> Actually, Flash and Java work just fine in FF10. I personally think the real 
> reason behind the "plug-in free" push is Apple and Microsoft trying to wound 
> thorns in their side called Adobe and Oracle/Sun. Javascript is a clumsy 
> replacement. And everybody seems to have passed on supporting SVG in browsers.
> So I guess implementing this one means sites have to provide it PLUS another 
> panorama viewer, or rudely lock people out.

WebGL has its own problems.  For one, it doesn't seem to work for me at
all running Firefox 12 on Linux.  It also has the problem of giving
external content direct access to the graphics hardware.

> On 05/28/2012 07:24 PM, RizThon wrote:
>> Nice! Your example works well for me in Firefox 12 on Win7 64 (pan,
>> zoom, full screen).
>> The only thing is that at first I was waiting for the panorama to
>> load, then after some time I thought I might have to click the "Load
>> Panorama". Maybe you could write "Click to load panorama" instead.
>> 2012/5/29 Matthew Petroff<matt...@mpetroff.net>:
>>> After a year of on and off development, Pannellum, a free and open
>>> source panorama viewer for the web, is ready for release. Built using
>>> HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and WebGL, it is plug-in free. The
>>> lightweight viewer, just 18kB gzipped, can be deployed using a single
>>> file and displays full equirectangular panoramas. One can easily embed
>>> panoramas in web pages as an<iframe>, using code generated by the
>>> included configuration utility.
>>> For more information and an example, see:
>>> http://www.mpetroff.net/archives/2012/05/28/introducing-pannellum/
>>> Or the project page:
>>> https://bitbucket.org/mpetroff/pannellum/
>>> I've tested it across a range of browsers, but I'd appreciate any
>>> feedback or bug reports.

Robert Krawitz                                     <r...@alum.mit.edu>

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