Hi Alexey,

I'm not on Linux. So I can't help you so much further.

> More precisely: how to check that the version of wxwidgets
> is the one which has openGL support?

Try running wx-config
wx-config --version-full
reports the full version number

wx-config reports also some more details about the install version.

> And the same for the second option you have proposed: how to rebuild from
> source (which commands to use) and which options I should enable?
> As I said in my previous message, I have used the following commands while
> installing the wxwidgets:
> > ./configure --with-x11
> > make
> > su <type root password>
> > make install
> > ldconfig
> > exit

./configure --help prints all possible options.
I assume you need
./configure --with-unicode --with-opengl
and then make and make install
But there are user with more Linux experience on the list which can
help you further.


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