Hello Bruno,

On Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:40:50 AM UTC+10, Bruno Postle wrote:
> Hash: SHA1 
> Panotools::Script is a perl module for reading/writing and 
> manipulating Hugin .pto project files, this 0.27 release has some 
> updates and fixes some bugs: 
> - - A new 'ptomorph' tool, looks at control points in a Hugin PTO 
> panorama project and creates a new set of photos that are distorted 
> such that these control points line up perfectly.  

Thanks for the new features.
The availability of 'ptomorph' has prompted me to revisit my work on 
deblurring an overlapped sharp/blur pair, which had defeated me.
I was curious to see what effect 'ptomorph' would have on the point spread 
function I derive from the sharp/blur pair.
Experimenting with Shepard's distortion and polynomial distortion, I find 
that when using the polynomial the control points are not written to the 
resulting pto file. Is this an oversight?


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