Hello, I am a new user using version 2011.4.0

I have 12 images taken with a microscope, all overlapping with the same 
magnification. As the sample is on a mechanical stage, Yaw, pitch and Z 
(focal length of the microscope) should all be constant. In the optimizer 
tab, I select custom parameters and set Yaw, Pitch, and Z to be unchecked. 
I also uncheck the image that will be in the center of the panorama so that 
the software will use it as the starting image. I have all images listed as 
separate lenses. I run the optimizer and save the settings.

The program automatically generates suitable control points when I tell it 
to align. However, when I reach the fast panorama preview, the resulting 
image shows strong parallax, and is much narrower on the right side, even 
when I select Mosaic and Cylindrical projection.

If I go back to the otimizer tab, all the settings have changed, and there 
are now checks in the yaw and pitch columns, and none in the X Y and Z 

What I want to get is a roughly rectangular stitched image; each image 
should still be square to the observer. How do I ensure this happens?

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