On Sunday, 19 August 2012 at 15:57:27 -0700, Marcus Sundman wrote:
> Hi,
> This is probably something simple, but I really can't figure out what I'm
> doing wrong.
> In hugin I have 15 images connected using 421 control points (mean error
> 0.2px, max 2.4).
> After the optimization the images range from yaw=-133.7 to yaw=173.4.
> That's ~307 degrees, but why not 360?

It's difficult to say without knowing how you took these images.  The
yaw values in the image tab suggest that you did not space them
equally.  That could be part of the bug, of course.

Clearly something has gone wrong with the control point detection,
something that the detector doesn't recognize.  Try looking at the
control point window to see the control points between adjacent images
(i.e. start with images 0 and 1, then move on until you get to the end
(14 and 0).

> The final image becomes extremely distorted. After changing the field of
> view to 360x80 the stiching produces this:
> ...

What does the fast panorama preview look like before and after?

You might like to take a look at a related problem I had recently:
(they're both on the same page, so you can just page down from the
first).  I don't mention it there, but these images were all taken
with an 18 mm equivalent wide-angle lens spaced at 45 degrees.

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