
if you have trouble locating these files on OSX: all files starting with '.' are invisible in the Finder. TinkerTool <http://www.bresink.com/osx/TinkerTool.html> has an option (the first item in the "Finder" tab) to "Show hidden and system files". Just activate that, relaunch Finder (directly from TinkerTool) and now you'll be able to see (and delete) one of the files Thomas mentioned.

The full path (in classical Macintosh notation) is
Macintosh HD :Users:<YourAccount>:Library:Preferences:

Don't forget to switch of that option if all these .dot files start to annoy you.


T. Modes schrieb am 30.08.12 19:13:
There is probably an invalid pto file in the queue.
Go to folder ~/Library/Preferences and delete the file .ptbt0
or .ptbt1 (only one of both should be there).
Then PTBatcherGUI should start again.

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