Hi Stan, if you put your images available send the place here to the list.
I also would like to take a look at them.


Carlos E G Carvalho (Cartola)

2012/11/9 stan <green6...@verizon.net>

> How do you suggest I up load the images, I will change them to JPEG in
> order to keep the size down.
> At the risk of blasphemy I went to Photo merge in PS 5.5, this was
> tediously, creepy, crawly slow (unacceptably, I had time to go up stairs
> and make a second cup of coffee and finished it before PS completed the
> operation) but PS found the CPs and the horizon was flat; the color was
> good too.
> On Nov 9, 2012, at 9:26 AM, Carl von Einem wrote:
> Surrender not accepted for such a simple partial panorama... ;-)
> I'm not sure if one can expect good control point detection in the center
> images of your panorama. Waves are always a changing and yet so similar ;-)
>  I did not use the waves, I manually selected CP features in the rocks.
> For you scenario you'll need some manual alignment via the Fast Preview
> window. Hope you didn't you zoom during taking the shots? (Did not zoom
> or otherwise alter the FOV) Make sure they all use the same fov. Did you
> shoot them handheld? I used a home made NPP on my tripod. Wouldn't be a
> problem, though.
> I also had to tweak the foggy horizon of this panorama and carefully
> select some CPs manually:
> http://worldwidepanorama.org/wwp_rss/go/n7775  I like the shot, it looked
> more complicated than mine.
> In your case I'd reset all values (Camera and Lens tab) and step by step
> optimize  while looking for some nasty misplaced CPs. One problem I
> encountered while manually selecting the CPs was that Hugin kept trying to
> move them some place other than the feature I selected.
> How about uploading the complete project somewhere so someone can have a
> look at it?
> Cheers,
> Carl
> stan schrieb am 09.11.12 14:44:
> Carl,
> I surrender!  This is white flag time.
> I got the Autopano-sift to function but it too has trouble
> finding the CPs, even in locations where there is good contrast
> and the CP features are sharp.  As for the result, take a look
> at the attached screen shot, there are no words in English to
> describe this mess.
> Stan
> complete (hijacked) thread is here
> https://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx/browse_thread/thread/31ac07859a5ae43a
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