Hello everybody!

        We are glad to announce the first release candidate for
Enblend/Enfuse version 4.1.  We have put tar-balls of it at


The archive files there are derived from revision eb476ced7575
in the Mercurial repository


As a release candidate for Enblend/Enfuse version 4.1, it should be
almost ready for final release.  However, there still might be a few
remaining issues.  The purpose of the release candidate is to discover
any major issues -- those which have not been recorded in the bug
tracker yet -- before the final version.  The release candidate may
not be suitable for production systems, but it is ready for
contributors who want to help with testing and development.

For an overview of the changes consult the "NEWS" file living in the
root directory of the distribution source tarball or online at



1. To all discriminating photographers

These Enblend and Enfuse versions may be right for your seamless (pun
intended), fully color managed workflow.

1.1 Both applications now honor ICC profiles embedded into the input

1.2 Severely under- and overexposed images are handled gracefully.

1.3 Artifacts of out-of-RGB cube pixels are cleaned up an a
    photographic way.

1.4 The default primary Graph-Cut seam generator produces superior
    seams that often do not even need optimizing.

2. To all heat-seekers

2.1 Version 4.1 will be 30%-40% slower than version 4.0 (relying on
    all default settings for both).  Stick with 4.0 for performance.

2.2 Version 4.1 will use more peak memory in the non-ImageCache
    configuration and stress the ImageCache more in the configuration
    with ImageCache enabled.  Stick with 4.0 on low-memory systems.

3. To all perma-whiners

At the stage of a release-candidate series, feature requests or
bemoaning of seemingly missed opportunities to fix your favorite bugs
are misplaced.  They are ok for the 4.2 development versions, which
soon will be opened.

Your developers (in alphabetical order of their last names)


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