The ball and spring arrangement is usually called a 'detent ball'. When set
inside a grub screw like this they are called a 'ball plunger' or 'spring
ball plunger'.


On 13 September 2013 15:37, Carl von Einem <> wrote:

> I once used "click-stop selector screw" since at that time I didn't even
> know the right German term for it...
> the_click-stop_selector_screw<>
> Ok, I just asked someone, it is called "federndes Druckstück" in German
> and according to the English term is either "spring-loaded
> pressure piece" or "spring-loaded thrust pad".
> Carlos Eduardo G. Carvalho (Cartola) schrieb am 13.09.13 15:59:
>> Hi, I need some help. I have used this type of piece
>> <**search?q=posicionador+esfera&**
>> client=ubuntu&hs=If&channel=**fs&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&**sa=X&ei=**
>> iRgzUqKgFoTQ9gSBqYGIBQ&ved=**0CDAQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=859&dpr=**1<>
>> >
>> to make that tripod head stop in specific points. I know its name in
>> Portuguese and google finds its image.
>> Does anybody knows the name in English of that screw with a ball pushed
>> by an internal spring? I would like to list the parts used in English.

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