Am Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2013 um 13:39:14, schrieb Terry Duell 
> On Thu, 19 Dec 2013 11:33:42 +1100, Terry Duell <>
> wrote:
> > On Thu, 19 Dec 2013 11:09:09 +1100, Terry Duell <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >>>
> >>>> There may be a way of getting around the problem in the rpmbuild spec
> >>>> file, but it isn't immediately obvious.
> >>>> It is much simpler if the package name only has version numbers, e.g
> >>>> "libpano13-2.9.19-800.tar.bz2" and not
> >>>> "libpano13-2.9.19-800hg.tar.bz2"
> >>>
> >>> OK.
> >>> Will you do the change?
> >>>
> >>
> >> Yes, I can do that.
> >>
> > It seems that rpmbuild doesn't like 2.9.19-800 either as version  
> > number...can't have the '-', "illegal character".
> > I need to think about whether there is a way around this, but in the  
> > meantime, as part of the testing of the cmake build of a fedora package,  
> > I'll leave out the '-800', and look at whether there is a way of  
> > incorporating the hg version # in the source package name later.
> >
> I think I have made some progress.
> I have been able to 'make package_source' out of the source tree.
> Trying to use that source to build a Fedora rpm using the following in the  
> .spec file fails
> %build
> cmake .
> make %{?_smp_mflags}
> It is putting the* in /usr/local/lib, and all the binaries in  
> /usr/local/bin (of the BUILDROOT), and looking for* in  
> /usr/lib64 to make the package.
> The currently installed build which uses 'configure' in the .spec file  
> instead of 'cmake', puts the binaries in /usr/bin and* in  
> /usr/lib64.
> My .spec file may be all or part of the problems, but suspect the cmake  
> files may have a hand in it as well.
> I'll have to think upon this. Any advice welcome.

This may be the same problem as I had with debian.
These are the assignments which helped me, you have to get them out of the 'if' 
        string(REGEX REPLACE "^/(.*)" "\\1" LDLIBPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH}")

> Cheers,


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