On Monday, January 6, 2014 12:18:30 AM UTC+1, kornel wrote:
>  I know. But simply disabling --ciecam param for older LCMS_VERSION would 
> also do.

    Remember that you are working on the current _development_ branch.
It is
(a) the most advanced of all branches and
(b) will be released in the (far away?) future, when more distros will offer
    newer LCMS libraries.
If you feel bold enough, revert my patch, apply yours _and_ do all the
"paperwork": This means in particular update or change
* all relevant help texts (e.g. output of `enblend --help'),
* the documentation, and
* the NEWS file accordingly.
Maybe, you should add some extra text to the output of `--version' to help
the user grasp which kind of Enblend/Enfuse she is using, i.e. with or
without CIECAM support.

Ah, and don't forget to undo all this when we decide to bump forward our
requirement for the minimum version of LCMS.

Happy hacking!


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