On 8 Mar 2014 08:37, "T. Modes" <thomas.mo...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> So a new gpano2pto script (in the Panotools::Script Mercurial repository
on Sourceforge) reads the GPano XMP tags in the photosphere panorama,
figures out the correct field of view and vertical shift, and writes a
Hugin .pto project that you can open for remapping, levelling etc...
> Hugin can now also read these tags. At least with your 2 examples it
works fine.

That's great, does this mean we can now 'roundtrip' Hugin panoramas? i.e
hugin already writes gpano tags, so can I now load a partial
equirectangular panorama created by Hugin into a new Hugin project, and get
a correct hfov and vertical offset?


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