On Tue, 06 May 2014 05:52:15 +1000, Torsten Bronger <torsten.bron...@gmail.com> wrote:


I see it in current hg Hugin on Ubuntu 14.04.  You load one image,
go to the control points tab, and set a control point at the very
left of the left-hand instance of the image.  Then, on the
right-hand instance of the same image, you set a control point at
the very right of the image.  This connects in both panels both
control points with a black line, and this is bad for doing lens
calibration with Hugin.

OK, now I understand. I have just tried that with a build of the current tip (2014.1.0) and can reproduce it, except here the points are connected with a white line, but the alignment mode is "horizontal line" so I think a line connecting the points is to be expected, and desirable. If the alignment mode is "normal" no line is drawn; if "vertical line" or a new line ("line 3") a white line is also drawn. So, here it isn't a problem, i.e. I think it is expected behaviour and I don't know of any way of switching off these lines.

Terry Duell

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