On Thu, 09 Apr 2015 12:50:00 +1000, Terry Duell <tdu...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

I assume you mean the tutorial at <http://hugin.sourceforge.net/tutorials/enfuse-360/en.shtml>.
I can see where there might be some confusion.
The description of how to set the crop in the version of hugin used for the tutorial isn't readily translated to the new gui...well not on first glance.

OK, I think I've finally figured this out...not had to do this before.
To set a crop as per the tutorial, load your images as circular fisheye, open the Masks tab and select all the images, Select the 'Crop' tab , select or deselect "Always center Crop on d,e" and place your mouse on the edge of the image and with right mouse drag to set the crop boundary. With "Always center Crop on d,e" deselected you can also drag the centre of the crop circle.
See how that works for you.
The rest of the process should be pretty much as per the tutorial (with appropriate changes to account for the new gui) and you should be able to use CPFind to auto generate control points rather than have to do it manually.

Terry Duell

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