
I've been using Hugin for years now.   Perhaps I got amnesia along the way 
and forgot some critical checkbox I automatically would set.   But recently 
I've been having some issues with exposure bracketed stacks when making 
stereographic panoramas.   The fused image will have ghosts where it seems 
as if the stack members are not alaigned properly and cause ghosting / 
multiple exposure like effects in the stitched image.

I use a tripod and a wired remote release to take a 5 or 7 exposure bracket 
for each of the shots.   The images for a given stack do not appear to be 
misaligned as shot, To cover the world with the 14mm lens, perhaps 25-30 
bracketed shots.   I plop them into Hugin.  Set the stack size as 
appropriate.  Use the cpfind ( rows + stacks ).   Then after verifying 
everything is connected,  do an alignment for Position to rough it in.  
Assuming there is nothing too ridiculous in the control point table 
distances, go for the Position + Barrel.   Normally I get a very nice 
result, with limited need to futz or post process.   

However in some recent projects, I see ghosting on the fused output, as if 
the individual stack members are misaligned.slightly.

Since I'm using a tripod, and fixed aperture and focus, the stack images 
should already be registered properly, so I should be able to ignore the 
alignment of individual stack members, and rely on the +/-0 EV images for 
alignment.   I never noticed this ghosting / multiple images issues in 
prior projects.   And it does not appear in the ordinary non-fused project 
- so seems to be an artifact of the multiple exposure layers differing in 
alaignment and then after being fused you have the ghosting.

So, this is a very log winded way of asking: is there a way to force Hugin 
to use only control points for one of the exposure bracket members, then 
apply the distortions and masks necessary to all of the stack members?   Is 
this a behavior that might have changed in recent history?   I assume this 
is a very commonly desired behavior, so I must be missing something really 
obvious in my workflow.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

-- Bob

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