Thank you Niklas. Here are the console messages for Test A - attempting to open 
an existing pto, which results in Hugin vanishing, and Test B - attempting to 
add a jpg which Hugin reports as an unsupported image file format. Both tests 
seem to report the same console messages. When looking into the Hugin package I 
do not see libxpc.dylib. Perhaps this is a clue. I do not see libxpc.dylib in 
previous a Hugin. 

Test A:

4/17/16 9:54:55.120 PM Hugin[8124]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector 
gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.4 instead of 10.11.4. This is not a bug 
in Gestalt -- it is a documented limitation. Use NSProcessInfo's 
operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
Call location:
4/17/16 9:54:55.120 PM Hugin[8124]: 0   CarbonCore                          
0x00007fff933f96df ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 113
4/17/16 9:54:55.120 PM Hugin[8124]: 1   libdispatch.dylib                   
0x00007fff872f240b _dispatch_client_callout + 8
4/17/16 9:54:55.120 PM Hugin[8124]: 2   libdispatch.dylib                   
0x00007fff872f2303 dispatch_once_f + 67
4/17/16 9:54:55.120 PM Hugin[8124]: 3   CarbonCore                          
0x00007fff93385fbc _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 987
4/17/16 9:54:55.120 PM Hugin[8124]: 4   CarbonCore                          
0x00007fff933857d0 Gestalt + 139
4/17/16 9:54:55.120 PM Hugin[8124]: 5   libwx_osx_cocoau-    
0x000000010e811b8f _Z19UMAGetSystemVersionv + 31
4/17/16 9:54:55.120 PM Hugin[8124]: 6   libwx_osx_cocoau-    
0x000000010e85e374 _ZNK8wxWindow21MacHasScrollBarCornerEv + 228
4/17/16 9:55:00.542 PM Hugin[8124]: assertion failed: 15E65: libxpc.dylib + 
78986 [2CC7CF36-66D4-301B-A6D8-EBAE7405B008]: 0x89

Test B:

4/17/16 10:01:08.735 PM Hugin[8161]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector 
gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.4 instead of 10.11.4. This is not a bug 
in Gestalt -- it is a documented limitation. Use NSProcessInfo's 
operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
Call location:
4/17/16 10:01:08.735 PM Hugin[8161]: 0   CarbonCore                          
0x00007fff933f96df ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 113
4/17/16 10:01:08.735 PM Hugin[8161]: 1   libdispatch.dylib                   
0x00007fff872f240b _dispatch_client_callout + 8
4/17/16 10:01:08.735 PM Hugin[8161]: 2   libdispatch.dylib                   
0x00007fff872f2303 dispatch_once_f + 67
4/17/16 10:01:08.735 PM Hugin[8161]: 3   CarbonCore                          
0x00007fff93385fbc _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 987
4/17/16 10:01:08.735 PM Hugin[8161]: 4   CarbonCore                          
0x00007fff933857d0 Gestalt + 139
4/17/16 10:01:08.735 PM Hugin[8161]: 5   libwx_osx_cocoau-    
0x0000000110183b8f _Z19UMAGetSystemVersionv + 31
4/17/16 10:01:08.735 PM Hugin[8161]: 6   libwx_osx_cocoau-    
0x00000001101d0374 _ZNK8wxWindow21MacHasScrollBarCornerEv + 228
4/17/16 10:01:14.976 PM Hugin[8161]: assertion failed: 15E65: libxpc.dylib + 
78986 [2CC7CF36-66D4-301B-A6D8-EBAE7405B008]: 0x89

Thank you for taking this on.


> On Apr 17, 2016, at 3:09 PM, Niklas Mischkulnig <> wrote:
> Here is a (hopefully working) build (version 2016) . Please test it and tell 
> me if something crashes (there might still be a wrong dylib install path 
> lurking in a dark corner :D ). 
> <>
> Am Samstag, 2. April 2016 08:45:28 UTC+2 schrieb Niklas Mischkulnig:
> Why hasn't there been a Mac build on sourceforge for over one year (there 
> isn't a windows build for the 2016.0.0 yet)?
> -- 
> A list of frequently asked questions is available at: 
> <>
> --- 
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