Hi Sukima,

On 20.04.2016 15:44, Sukima wrote:
> I used RawTherapee <https://tritarget.org/#RawTherapee> to pre-process
> the Raw files I downloaded from the camera. Since the auto settings
> seemed pretty good I kept them except I set the white balance to
> *Shade*. I batch saved all the images to *16 bit TIFF*s (Uncompressed).

If you do full sphere panos, make sure to disable lens corrections and
vignetting correction. Hugin will do a much better job for your specific

> the images including the hand held nadir. I used the *Full Frame
> Fisheye* with the Focal Length of '8' which in the past seemed like it

The Samyang 8mm lens is a stereographic projection lens, see
for more information. And, according to my experience, the projection
selection influences the control point detection, so just changing the
projection in a existing pto won't help.

Make sure you set the "focal length multiplier" correctly four your
camera, that should be around 1.6 for the 1000D.

> around the tripod in all three nadir shots. Finally I click optimize and
> then open the /GL Previw/ window.

What exactly did you optimize for? In expert mode, you can choose
between several optimization levels. I normally start with "Positions
(Incremental from anchor)" and work my way down to "Everything without
translation". And then I "Show control points" icon in the top bar, sort
the control points by distance and inspect all the points with a
distance >10. Or, if I'm lacy (so most of the time) I use the "select by
Distance" button, select everything above let's say 10, and then delete
them. Then I redo the last optimization, and do some more pruning of
control points. Rinse and repeat to your liking, but be aware that you
may end up with unconnected images if you overdo this, but practise
makes perfect ;)

Another option would be the "Actions->Control Points->keep 5 CPs per
image pair" menu entry. But this uses the Phyton plugin interface and I
don't know if this has been packaged in the 2014 Mac version you use.

> And everything looked great. I then
> opened the stitcher view and selected a width of *1024* so the rendering
> would be super fast while I previewed. I found that the GL Preview
> glossed over some artifacts that you don't notice till the final renders.

You can not really trust the preview if you are aiming for quality: If
it would be possible to assemble a quality panorama in realtime, we
would not need the PTBatcher. On the other hand, if your preview just
shows a crazy tangle of lines, the final image will not be any better.

And if you want a high quality, sharp image, don't limit the output to
1024 pixels. In my setup the final image width is around 6000 pixels and
by condensing this to 1024 pixels by combining roughly 6 pixels to one,
you definitely will loose sharpness. If I need a smaller image, I
normally use the panotools-scipt erect2cubic script from
resize and sharpen thcubic images in gimp and then reassemble them with

The setting of File->Preferences->Programs->Nona->Default
interpolator(i) may play a role in this, too. But I'm not versed well
enough to give a recommendation here.

> I noticed that the hand held nadir shot (although almost aligned) had
> parallax issues. Mainly since the nadir was a set of wood boards. So I

Most probably your hand held shot was not from the exactly same point as
the ones from the tripod. In this case, you would need to apply a second
lens to your nadir shot and optimize this image for xyz. But I have
never been able to pull this off successfully, so your mileage may vary.

I hope this gives you some starting points.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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