Hello Michael,

On Sun, 28 Aug 2016 05:13:51 +1000, Michael Havens <havens.busin...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Friday, August 26, 2016 at 9:31:22 PM UTC-4, Tduell wrote:

Hello Michael,
On Sat, 27 Aug 2016 10:53:06 +1000, Michael Havens
Are you still using the hugin version you reported recently, as below?

>> Operating System: Linux 3.19.0-32-generic x86_64
>> Architecture: 64 bit
>> Free memory: 140052198648283 kiB
>>  Hugin
>> Version: 2016.0.0.3b4e2790cb90
>> Path to resources: /usr/share/hugin/xrc/
>> Path to data: /usr/share/hugin/data/
>> Hugins camera and lens database: /home/bmike1/.hugindata/camlens.db
>> Multi-threading using C++11 std::thread and OpenMP
>> Monitor profile: Screen 1 #1 2016-06-29 13-30 S XYZLUT+MTX

Yes I am.

 recently updated your linux

system ?
Which linux, and version?

The system is updated almost daily. I am running Mint 17.3 . I update the
system just a moment ago.... same deal.
(I didn't ignore your post, I just didn't get it emailed to me.)

I think you should file a bug report, that can be done here <https://bugs.launchpad.net/hugin> Provide details of what steps you go through with hugin that brings about the failure, and if possible a copy of what hugin reports from help > system, and the attach the bug report.

Terry Duell

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