Am Montag, 17. September 2018 12:53:11 UTC+2 schrieb Battle:
> I working on some large panoramas, and have run into the file size limit 
> of TIF > 4GB.  
> I see from 2018.0 that BigTif is possible.
> The release announcement says
> * Nona, verdandi and hugin_stacker can now write BigTIFF images (for files 
> >4 GB). The output of BigTIFF has to manually activated on the command 
> line. It is not set automatically. (For a complete panorama in BigTIFF you 
> will probably also need enblend/enfuse from repository. The last released 
> version of enblend does not yet support writing BigTIFF files.)
> I need a bit of help figuring out how to make this happen.  I'm using OS X 
> 2018.0.0, but have a Windows box available if necessary.  

For nona, verdandi and hugin_stacker add the switch --bigtiff to the 
command line. The development versions from enblend/enfuse require 
The easiest way to use this would be to create a user defined output 


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