Am 30.03.21 um 20:12 schrieb Kornel Benko:
Short googling ... Citing a result:
        You need to link ole32.dll ("-lole32"). In order to link to that, you 
need to
have the import library for it (ole32.lib) installed, and in your search paths. 
        assume you might need to have the Windows SDK installed for that.

Okay, here on my msys2 installation linking ole32 works just fine but it wasn't enough to deal with all the errors. I had to do a few more things:

- Comdlg32 is also needed.

- throw out pthread from the 'general' list of checked-for libraries:

set(LibFound ON)
foreach(_l Vc vigraimpex sfml-window sfml-graphics sfml-system exiv2)

- finally, I had an old vigraimpex build in /usr/local/lib, which CMake picked in preference of the one from package management - I removed that. My mistake, but something to keep in mind - /usr/local/lib takes preference, as on Linux.

Or even better
        target_link_libraries(${_pv} ole32)

WIN32 does not seem to be defined on msys2, so I changed the link-specific conditionals to

if (WIN32 OR MSYS)
  target_link_libraries(${_pv} Ole32 Comdlg32)
  target_link_libraries(${_pv} pthread)

Which also fixes the redefined pthread symbol errors for the windows build. With these changes, the cmake build runs through on msys2, and it also works on linux. @Harry: can you try on the mac?

@Kornel: I checked the code looking at the desktop size, and I think I made a mistake processing it. I changed it so that it should now indeed take the desktop height as the relevant datum. Can you please check on your ultra-wide setup? The GUI stripe should now only cover half your desktop's width.

This push also adds 'snap-to-stitch' processing for faux brackets. You may wonder what that means, so I'll explain quickly:

Faux bracketing is a technique where a single image (preferably one with extended dynamic range) is made into several LDR images with different exposure, so you get an image set that is *like a bracket* - hence the 'faux'. This 'false' bracket is then submitted to ordinary exposure fusion. The resulting image has the 'look' of an exposure fusion with the same compressed dynamic range, so faux bracketing can be considered a *tone-mapping operation*, and it produces consistently pleasant results, which can't be said of many of the 'standard' tone-mapping operators, which are often encumbered by strong sensitivity to parametrization, local effects, strange colours etc.

lux can use this technique for single HDR images (which is obvious), but it can also use it on image sets. Here the logic is a bit more involved: lux first internally creates a HDR blend of the image set, and then uses the faux-bracketing on this internally-generated HDR image.

Until this commit, lux could only produce faux brackets as snapshots, but now they can be viewed 'live'. faux brackets need to know the desired exposure values for the artificial bracket, which are passed with several '--faux_bracket_ev=...' parameters. So to look at a faux bracket of 'image.exr' done with Ev values -2, 0, and 2, you'd invoke lux like this:

lux --faux_bracket=yes \
    --faux_bracket_ev=-2 \
    --faux_bracket_ev=0 \
    --faux_bracket_ev=2 \

As with all 'snap-to-stitch' processing, it takes a little while until the result shows - the rendering of such jobs is only done if the viewer is at rest with no other tasks running. Expect rendering times in the order of magnitude of a second. To save the result to disk, use 'U' or 'Shift+U', with the same semantics as 'normal' exposure fusions.

All changes were pushed just now, please check it out and enjoy! I think that the set of features I'd like to see in 1.0.8 are now all present, I'll do a bit more testing and tweaking and then I think it's time for the next level :D

It would be nice if you lot could also do a bit of testing on your end!


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