On Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 6:56:17 AM UTC-5 bruno...@gmail.com wrote:

> The remapping and stitching is performed as usual by the Hugin toolchain, 
> ptomorph just manipulates the input images a bit to make them stitch better.

By "input" do you mean original?  I can't imagine how that data flow would 
work.  Maybe I'm also confused by the terminology, but I think I understand 
what the "remapping" and "stitching" steps are.  In that context, I saw 
"fine tuning" as an adjustment* logically* after remapping and before 
stitching.  I would not want that *actually* after remapping, because I 
think the interpolation of moving pixels non-integer distance is best done 
all at once.  So I would want the morphing to occur during the remapping 
(digging into that code is the biggest obstacle to my actually doing this 
whole thing).

> The question was always: should this morphing be added as an overall 
> polynomial distortion in the panotools lens model so that it became another 
> part of the optimisation step,

That is another thing for which I can't even imagine the workflow (or the 
point) so I must be misunderstanding what you mean.   I am assuming a 
morphing that goes all the way to perfect alignment of every control point, 
so it would overwhelm the point of optimization if it were in 
optimization.  So I would think it must be after optimization.

I am only guessing at the data flow inside remapping, but based on that 
guess my idea is:
First do optimization additionally computing something that I think isn't 
currently output but easily could be:  the "correct" yaw and pitch of each 
control point.  A control point exists in two images (could be more than 
two if other ideas I have were mixed in).  The "correct" yaw and pitch of a 
control point would be necessarily the same across all images that contain 
that control point.  For each image the control point is in, you would also 
compute the "incorrect" yaw/pitch of that control point by applying the 
optimization results for that image to that control point.

In remapping, I assume you work on an integer row/column position of the 
output and need to compute the corresponding (non integer) row/column 
position in the input.  I assume you have the parameters to convert the 
output row/column to yaw/pitch, then you would identify the triangle of 
control points (in correct yaw/pitch coordinates of control points).  Then 
you need to adjust the point you are working on by a small amount based on 
where it is in the triangle and the difference between the "correct" and 
"incorrect" positions of each corner of the triangle.  Finally, you apply 
the optimization results of the input image to convert that yaw/pitch back 
to row/column.

When the triangles are very large in yaw/pitch, because either masking or 
other factors left no details needing to be fixed by extra control points, 
it is important that the adjustment by the error of the triangle is tiny 
compared to the adjustment by image's optimization results.  So shape 
within that triangle is preserved as well as possible by the chosen 
projection method.

or is it just a stitch-time fix (as in the ptomorph examples). The problem 
> for me is that doing it in the lens model is more elegant, and the problem 
> of three or more images doesn't exist because you wouldn't be forcing an 
> exact alignment; but on the other hand I was getting *really good* results 
> using the ptomorph approach with the 'Shepards' stretch to fit distortion 
> between two images.

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