On Friday, May 13, 2022 at 2:37:51 AM UTC-4 kevin....@gmail.com wrote:

> I couldn't figure out where libpano13's authoritative source repository 
> is, or how to submit a pull request or equivalent, so I've attached the 
> patch against libpano13 v2.9.21 here.
The project is here:

Under the "mercurial" tab that page links to

That page lets you browse the code and it gives the command for cloning the 
hg clone http://hg.code.sf.net/p/panotools/libpano13 panotools-libpano13

I don't know how to submit a pull request.  But you asked in the right 
place and I expect the maintainers will either accept the patch you posted 
or give instructions.
If someone silently applies your patch (without replying here) the above 
links will let you see that.

I am one of two maintainers of a fork of libpano13.  I'll wait at least a 
few days for action in the official version and then examine your patch for 
inclusion in the fork.

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