since the images are sorted, I've just started: generating sequence from sequence.
tried using the template.pto that i've been using for the cmd line stitch.

however, i can't seem to get the syntax right when i try to change sequence image name to an iterating sequence.

my images are numbered equally eg.
left/IMG_0001.jpg, right/IMG_0001.jpg, running up to IMG_2880.jpg

so i tried:

but apparantly i've got it wrong as it generates:
left\IMG_%04i.JPG <-- File not found
right\IMG_%04p.JPG <-- File not found

and if i try %i and %p it starts at 0, but i can tackle that with a dummy image if needed.

suggestions are welcome, even if that's telling me i'm going about this the wrong way :)

Op 24-Apr-23 om 20:27 schreef T. Modes:
 From the other thread:
Extract to a new folder and run PTBatcherGUI from there. For a first test don't overwrite any existing installation. (I've done no installer on purpose.) For information: In Hugin 2023.0 the file format of the batch queue will change. So the new version will have it's own queue. And the old version will not read the new format.

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