I am a totally new user to haskell and hugs.

I am working on Mac OS X 10.4.7(intel), and compile the hugs src
myself(configure, make, make install), and than generate the hugs
under /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib/hugs normally.

When I launch hugs, it does not display "reading Preclude.hs" or like
as the book describes.

When I am running some simple programs from the book "Haskell: The
Craft of Functional Programming", the error occurs to say cannot find
'ord', 'chr', or 'fromInt' and so on what I think should be defined in
Preclude. But 'max' and 'min' goes correctly.

I try to 'import Preclude' at the start line in the program, it says
cannot find module Preclude. And I tried other packages, also cannot
be found.

Generally, I can't find where to load Preclude.hs manually or
automately at startup.

                    Forest Liu(刘云�S)
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