Hi Steve,

I also installed WinHugs. I checked under packages/network/Network.
There are only BSD.hs, Socket.hs, URI.hs, but no CGI.hs? In fact,
keyword search CGI on *.hs under packages/ yields nothing on both linux
and Windows.

Not sure what has happened...

I checked and Network.CGI is in WinHugs May 2006, but not Sep 2006.
The solution to this is to install the May 2006 version
then reinstall the Sep 2006 edition over the top of it, in the same

As to why Network.CGI is no longer available, I have absolutely no
idea. Since it seems to have disappeared on both Hugs and WinHugs it
doesn't sound like its my fault. I can only guess either it got
removed from the library (bad) or got dropped from some install file
so is missing from Hugs (not great, but easily fixable).

I guess only Ross will know about this one.


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