On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 08:07:13PM +0100, bft wrote:
> I tried to download the  x86/Linux Binary Release
> arrowp-0.5-linux-i386.tgz at
> http://www.haskell.org/arrows/download.html ; but it failed with this
> message :
> "Not Found
> The requested URL /arrows/arrowp-0.5-linux-i386.tgz was not found on
> this server."
> I tried the Unix Source Release: arrowp-0.5-src.tgz, but I failed when
> building it on my Linux Fedora Core 6 system.
> I have a ghc-6.6.1 Haskell compiler and the Hugs98 (march 2005 version)
> Haskell interpreter.

I've fixed the binary link, but you might as well use GHC for arrows.
If you use the preprocessor, scope errors or type errors will be harder
to track down, as they'll be reported against the preprocessor output,
which is rather obfuscated.  GHC will report them against the source
you wrote.
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