Not sure if this will help, but I just read about a
similar problem that a user had in installing
SWI-Prolog on X11 on Leopard; since this problem seems
related, let me forward to this list his message

To sum, I would suggest that you try the following
procedure (the following procedure has been quoted and
edited from the version by Tom Conlon):

> [1.]  Make sure ... that your MacPorts installation 
> has updated its portfiles:
> sudo port -v selfupdate
> [2.]  [U]se the port command with  the <f> option:
> sudo port -f install <program-name>
> [(E.g., for SWI-Prolog, the above command would be 
> typed as follows:  
> sudo port -f install swi-prolog
> )]
> [3.]  Be sure in advance to install not just the 
> latest version of Leopard, but also get the latest 
> X11 from the usual source:

Hope this helps!

Benjamin L. Russell

--- Tom Conlon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [snip]
> On 3 Apr 2008, at 11:30, Benjamin L. Russell wrote:
> > By any chance, would you happen to remember just
> what
> > you did to get it to work?  I may need to go
> through
> > that exact procedure soon once I upgrade my PPC
> Mac.
> My need for 'wrestling' was partly to do with the
> fact that at the  
> time I did the installation (a few weeks ago now),
> MacPorts hadn't yet  
> committed to v5.6.52, which was the version I needed
> to get (because  
> Jan had fixed in it a bug that was important to me).
> Paulo kindly  
> pointed out that I could edit the then existing
> portfile manually, so  
> as to persuade MacPorts not to pick the older
> version of SWI-Prolog.  
> That worked. But the portfile-editing trick isn't
> necessary now that  
> MacPorts is fully up to date --   I can confirm that
>  today, because I  
> just installed SWI-Prolog via MacPorts, without any
> fuss, on another  
> PPC Leopard Mac.
> Make sure of course that your MacPorts installation
> has updated its  
> portfiles:
> sudo port -v selfupdate
> A second problem I had was the one Jan referred to
> -- system library  
> files messed up, probably due to previous
> installation of SWI-Prolog  
> via the binary download an/or due to incompatible
> X11 problems. That  
> was fixed by another tip of Paulo's, viz. use the
> port command with  
> the <f> option:
> sudo port -f install swi-prolog
> Be sure in advance to install not just the latest
> version of Leopard,  
> but also get the latest X11 from the usual source:
> As for full-screen mode, I don't ever use it so I
> can't say anything  
> about that, sorry. But check out the many reports on
> the net about the  
> X11 saga that has followed the initial X11 release
> under Leopard,  
> which was pretty much a disaster!
> I hope this information is helpful -- and accurate!
> Best of luck,
> Tom

--- Calum Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've installed hugs98 (version September 2006) using
> macports on  
> Leopard and I'm having a few problems when I try to
> load code that  
> contains: import Graphics.SOE (I'm typing in
> programs from the School  
> of Expression book by Paul Hudak). I get the error:
> Types.hs" - Can't find imported module
> "Graphics.X11.Xlib"
> Apart from this, Hugs seems to run okay. Any ideas
> on how to fix this?
> C
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