> Why?

Of course, your choice, merely relaying what is my advice.

> I mean seriously: if the docos for TRex are accurate, all that 
> non-maintenance for Hugs has still produced a better records system than GHC 
> has managed, in well over a decade.
> GHC has some tweaks for records (FieldPuns and DisambiguateRecordFields and 
> friends, also now DuplicateRecordFields).
> But Trex would appear to have all that covered.

Yep, but Hugs doesn't have any modern libraries that work with it.

> GHC's behaviour today is the same as 2006. Clearly it's not going to be fixed.

I'm working to fix the GHC record behaviour :)

> "unanswered" seems to be a recurring issue with GHC 'maintenance' which is 
> why I'm questioning your "better off".
> I seldom get answers to Stackoverflow q's or glasgow-users posts or cafe 
> bright ideas.
> So thank you again for replying here.

That must be frustrating. All I can promise is you'll probably get
less support on Hugs. There are other Haskell compilers, Jhc, ajhc etc
that might be more alive than Hugs. Compiler hacking can be lonely!

Thanks, Neil

>> On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 12:37 AM Anthony Clayden
>> <anthony_clay...@clear.net.nz> wrote:
>> >
>> > Is anybody still listening here?
>> >
>> > I see the Hugs source distro is still around - vintage 2006, and there's 
>> > somebody curated it on github.
>> >
>> > I'm particularly looking for a version with TRex, but the github-curated 
>> > version doesn't seem to include that(?)
>> >
>> > Can anybody comment on how easy it is to compile Hugs (on Windows), 
>> > compared to compiling GHC? The instructions for Hugs make out it's 
>> > reasonably easy, whereas the instructions for GHC seem to be fraught with 
>> > gotchas. But perhaps Hugs has as many gotchas, just not documented(?)
>> >
>> > My impression from discussion forums when Hugs was still active, is that 
>> > Hugs source was easier to hack if you wanted to experiment with changes to 
>> > the language(?)
>> >
>> > What seems sad these days is that GHC is so monstrous and formidable, 
>> > hardly anybody builds experimental extensions to Haskell.
>> >
>> > Thank you
>> > AntC
>> >
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