Jan Hastakshep

Campaign Against Fascist Designs

--- On Mon, 20/4/09, ram puniyani <ram.puniy...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: ram puniyani <ram.puniy...@gmail.com>
Subject: [humanrights-movement:1429] Fwd: Cock and Bull Godhra Report – 
To: "ram puniyani" <ram.puniy...@gmail.com>
Date: Monday, 20 April, 2009, 3:53 PM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jaswinder Saluja <jaswinder.sal...@gmail.com>

Date: Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:31 PM
Subject: Cock and Bull Godhra Report – Exclusive
To: Mukul Sinha <mukulsinh...@yahoo.com>, Ram Puniyani <ram.puniy...@gmail.com>

pls read on this might provide some interesting details.....


Cock and Bull Godhra Report – Exclusive 
I don’t know why Indian press including TOI has not yet analyzed Godhra Report 
that exposed gross incompetence of Modi government, abuse of judiciary and 
crookedness of judges’ hand picked by Modi. Was it bribed? 
These reports are monitored by Human Rights Organizations, tarnishing the image 
of Indian Judiciary and expose rotten Constitutional Institutions. 
http://home. gujarat.gov. in/homedepartmen t/downloads/ godharaincident. pdf 
9. ---- No counsel for the Commission could be appointed because of some 
difficulties. --. 
12. ------Thus in all, 46,494 statements/affidavi ts were received by the 
Commission. Out of them 2019 were statements/affidavi ts filed by the 
Government officers and 44445 statements/ affidavits were received from the 
Can we believe in Modi Gujarat that signed Rs.12 lakh crore MoU recently could 
not find any counsel to assist Godhra Commission in a state of 60million in 
2000 days? Counsels study and analyze evidence in over hundred thousands of 
pages and are basically eyes and ears of the commission were denied to Godhra 
Commission in Gujarat . This left little option for Godhra Commission to toe 
the lines dictated by councils of state nominated by Modi. There is ample 
evidence of it in the Godhra Report. 
31. Sabarmati Express train had arrived at Godhra railway station at 7.43 a.m. 
Its scheduled halt at Godhra railway station was of 5 minutes. During that halt 
of 5 minutes some incidents are stated to have happened. The Ramsevaks had a 
qurrel with Siddiq Bakar, a tea vendor. He was given two stick blows. Some 
other Ramsevaks had beaten one Siraj and also Mohmed Latika. The fourth 
incident stated to have happened was an attempt to abduct Sofiyabanu a Muslim 
girl standing on the platform by a Ramsevak by pulling her towards the train. 
During that halt at the Station, there was pelting of stones on the front side 
of the train, by the persons standing outside the station. Some passengers 
standing on the platform had also thrown stones towards those persons. Two 
police constables had made the passengers sit in the train and disperse the 
>From the last line of the Godhra Report when two constables were said to have 
>disperse the crowd points to one thing only there were few miscreants not an 
>organized crowd or mob – there was no preplanning and drivers had clear view 
>ahead otherwise wouldn’t have started moving train. In pictures one could see 
>high boundary wall run along rail track (there is no break in the wall as 
>stated by Godhra Commission) so it was impossible for a mob to assemble and 
>indulge in arson. 
48. Shri Ramfersing, (W-40) working as a Line Inspector in the Telephone 
Department in Gujarat was returning with his family members from his native 
place in Uttar Pradesh. He had boarded the train at Lucknow . He had 
reservation for berths 62, 63 and 64 in coach no.S-6. He had found that berths 
reserved by him were occupied by the Karsevaks. Only after repeated requests 
made by him the Karsevaks had vacated only one lower berth for him and his 
family members. Satishkumar (W-41) had reservation for berths 33, 34 and 35 but 
had to be satisfied with one berth only which was vacated for him and his 
family by the Karsevaks. Govindsing, (W-46) an army Subedar had reservation for 
berth no. 9. That berth was occupied by female Karsevaks and they did not allow 
him to occupy that berth, He could manage to get one seat on berth no. 32. 
Punamkumari (W-49) was travelling with her father-in-law, mother-in-law, 
brother-in-law and her son and had reservation for berths
 18, 19, 20 and 21. Only one berth was vacated by the Karsevaks for them. 
Lalanprasad (W-44) had reservation for berths 8 and 72. He was allowed to 
occupy only one berth. Shilaben Virpal (W-47) who was travelling with her 
husband and daughter-in- law had reservation for berths Nos.58, 59 and 61.The 
Karsevaks had refused to vacate those berths and, therefore, they had to sit on 
the floor near those berths. Ramnaresh (W-1015) had to sit with his family 
members near latrines along with 20 to 25 other persons who were already 
sitting there .He was not allowed to occupy any of the berths reserved by him . 
So also passenger Virpal had to sit on the floor of the coach. He had 
complained to the T.T.E but was told by the T.T.E. that it was impossible for 
him to do anything in those circumstances. The evidence and statements of other 
passengers who had travelled in that coach disclose almost the same thing about 
over crowding in that coach. 
25. The train was heavily over crowded. Apart from other passengers, there were 
about 2200 Ramsevaks travelling therein. Most of them had no reserved 
There is no evidence of Narindra Modi sponsored Yatris have reserved even one 
seat. Number of free traveling Yatris could be even 3000. For 35 hours in each 
directions 1200 legal passengers, majority of them women or children were 
forced to take one sleeper for entire family. Men, women and children were held 
hostage for 35 hours, humiliated, molested forced entire family them to sleep 
on one berth. It started on 22nd evening and ended on 27th morning. 
Break up of casualty figure is 22 men, 27 women and 10 children. DNA tests 
could have proved almost all were relatives and surely none was Yatris. Most 
strangely Godhra Report didn’t list the 48 injured who could have provided 
vital clues. 
1. A ghastly incident of fire in coach S/6 of Sabarmati Express train happened 
in the morning of 27-2-2002, near Godhra railway station, in which 59 
passengers travelling in that coach were burnt alive. Amongst the victims 27 
were women and 10 were children. Other 48 passengers had also received 
injuries. Most of the victims were Ramsevaks (also referred to as Karsevaks). 
This incident (hereinafter referred to as ‘Godhra incident’) had happened 
sometime between 8.00 a.m. and 8.20 a.m. near ‘A’ cabin within the Godhra 
railway yard. Sabarmati Express train had started from Muzaffarpur on 25-2-2002 
and on its way to Ahmedabad about 2000 to 2200 Ramsevaks had boarded the train 
from Ayodhya. They had earlier gone from Gujarat to Ayodhya at the instance of 
Vishva Hindu Parishad to take part in ‘Purnahuti Maha Yagna’, which was a part 
of ‘Ram Temple Nirman’ programme organized by some Hindu religious 
Train started on 22nd evening and arrived at Godhra on 27th 7:45 AM no 
arrangement was made for Yatris security, and food all along the route when 
journey time was 2X35 hours. Godhra Commission didn’t try to ascertain who 
cooked food for them and where. 
23. Movement for renovation of the Ram temple at Ayodhya was started in 1993. A 
‘Sansad’ of Hindu religious organizations had met at Prayag in January, 2001 to 
fix a programme for ‘Ram Temple Nirman’ i.e. construction of Ram temple at 
Ayodhya. The programme had started with ‘Jalabhishek’ and was followed by ‘Jap 
Yagna’. As disclosed by the statement of Vishva Hindu Parishad, lacs of persons 
through-out the country had participated in the ‘Jap Yagna’. On completion 
thereof ‘Purnahuti Maha Yagna’ was arranged at Ayodhya. It was to start on 
24.2.2002. Vishva Hindu Parishad is a leading Hindu religious organization and 
had played a prominent role in this programme. It had decided that its members 
who had taken part in the ‘Jap Yagna’ would go to Ayodhya for the ‘Purnahuti 
Maha Yagna’. It had also decided that from Gujarat initially three batches of 
Ramsevaks, each consisting of about 2000 persons, would go to Ayodhya for
 taking part in that Yagna which was to go on for 100 days. The first batch of 
Ramsevaks was to consist of 2000 persons from the central and north Gujarat 
area. It was to leave Ahmedabad by Sabarmati Express train on 22.2.2002 and 
return to Gujarat again by the same train leaving Ayodhya on 25.2.2002. The 
second batch was to consist of Ramsevaks of south Gujarat and it was to leave 
on 24.2.2002 and return on 27.2.2002.The third batch of Ramsevaks of Saurashtra 
area was to leave on 26.2.2002 and return on 3.3.2002. Accordingly the first 
batch of 2200 Ramsevaks, led by its General Secretary, had left Gujarat on 
23.2.2002.They had started their return journey on 25.2.2002. 
DSP Raju Bhargav was first officer to reach the burning coach at 8:15 AM he 
didn’t see any hostile mob pelting stones or even carrying inflammable 
materials, he didn’t smell anything foul. He met only 4-5 RPF men that also 
don’t indicate big crowd would have attacked the train. “He has stated that he 
had seen Mohmmad Hussain Kalota, President of the Godhra Municipality and Haji 
Bilal, a Municipal Councilor standing near the fire fighter but he had not seen 
any crowd near them. He had not met any PSI in charge of a mobile van.” 
But most important disclosure was fire started from under the berths is 
indicated by the large bluish material that leaked from the burning coach in 
the middle of the coach on P-139 that confirms his observation and supports 
Justice Bannerjee findings. 
130. Babubhai who was in charge of Alpha mobile and had rushed to the station, 
in his police statement dated 8-3-2002, had stated that he had seen a mob near 
Signal Falia throwing stones on the train. One coach of the train was already 
set on fire. He had, therefore, sent a message to send Fire Brigade 
immediately. He had ordered firing of tear gas shells for dispersing the mob. 
He had seen Godhra Municipal Presient Shri Kalota and municipal councilor Haji 
Bilal in that mob.. They were inciting the Muslims. He had then gone near the 
train and rendered help to the passengers.. His wireless operator Jashwantsinh 
in his statement dated 8-3-2002 and Armed police constables Vinubhai and 
Dalpatsinh in their statements to the police made on 9-3-2002, have stated the 
same thing. 
131. Sureshgiri Mohangiri Gosai ( W-30 ) was working as a fireman in the Fire 
Brigade maintained by the Godhra municipality. He has stated that they had 
received a vardhy at 8-20 a.m. that there was fire in Sabarmati Express train 
near Signal Falia and, therefore, a fire fighter be sent there immediately. So 
he had gone there with a fire fighter, It was obstructed by a mob of about 1500 
to 2000 persons near old Octroi naka near Signal Falia. It was a mob of 
Muslims. At that time Bilal Haji had come there on a motor cycle and had by 
gestures of his hand incited the mob to stop the fire fighter there. Thereupon 
some persons in the mob had thrown stones on the fire fighter. The driver of 
the fire fighter had then driven the vehicle in such a way that the mob had to 
move away. They had then taken their vehicle below the culvert and then near 
the train. He has further stated that while they were trying to extinguish the 
fire, stones were pelted on the train.
 The fire was extinguished by about 11-00 a.m. In reply to a question put to 
him by one of the parties, he has stated that 1500 to 2000 persons whom he had 
seen were in small mobs. He had reached near the train at about 8-30 a.m. As a 
result of stones thrown by the mob one or two persons on the fire fighter had 
received injuries. Some persons in the mob had sticks, pipes etc. with them. An 
attempt was made to show that since he was on the back side of the fire 
fighter, he could not have seen what was in front of the fire fighter. However, 
the witness has in terms stated that he had himself seen the mob which was near 
Signal Falia. He himself had seen stones falling on the train and it was for 
that reason the he had stated that there was pelting of stones on the train. 
This witness is also an independent witness who had nothing to do with the 
Ramsevaks or the railway staff or even the police. His evidence thus 
establishes that there was a mob near Signal
 Falia and that mob had tried to prevent the fire fighter from proceeding 
further towards the train by obstructing it. His evidence also established that 
the said mob was instigated by leaders like Haji Bilal, Abdul Rehman and 
132 DSP Raju Bhargav, ( W-31 ) has stated that on 27-2-2002 he and his staff 
were making preparations for annual inspection by Spl. I.G.P. Vadodara Range, 
at their police headquarter. At about 08.05 hrs. he was informed by the Control 
Room that Sabarmati Express train carrying Karsevaks was stopped at Godhra 
station and it was not being allowed to start. He had, therefore, rushed to the 
railway station after directing his RSI to come to the place of the incident 
with all policemen present at the parade ground. While he was proceeding to the 
railway station, he had heard on wireless that a coach of the train was set on 
fire. He had reached the railway station at about 08.15 hrs. On inquiring about 
the incident, he was informed that “a train coach had been set on fire near 
cabin ‘A’. He had then proceeded towards ‘A’ cabin via Signal Falia. He had 
inquired from one of the four police guards of GRP as to what had happened and 
he was informed that
 “the train was stopped and there was heavy stone pelting on the train and then 
they had fired some rounds.” He had found that the passengers were in an 
agitated mood because the train was attacked. While he was trying to pacify 
them some policemen had come there from the headquarter. He had placed them all 
along the track for protecting the passengers from any further attack. He had 
then informed Spl. I.G.P. Vadodara Range , Vadodara at 08.26 Hrs. about the 
situation. He had also informed the District Collector about it and requested 
her to make arrangement for S.T.Buses and vehicles for shifting the passengers. 
133 Replying to the questions put to him by the parties, he has stated that 
when he had gone near the passengers and asked four GRP guards and some RPF men 
who were standing there as to what had happened, he was told by one of them 
that the train was stopped and there was heavy stone pelting on the train and 
that they had fired some rounds to disperse those mobs. He was also told that 
stones were pelted from the side of Signal Falia. By the time he had reached 
near the burning coach (S/6), it was about 8-25 a.m. He had immediately 
thereafter informed the Collector for making necessary arrangements for safety 
of the passengers. The passengers were in an agitated mood because the train 
was attacked and many men were injured and killed by the mob which had come 
there. While he was there he had not seen any mob throwing stones on the train 
but had seen some onlookers. In reply to a question put by Jan Sangharsh Manch, 
he has stated that injuries which he had
 noticed on the passengers were on the upper part of their bodies and that he 
had not noticed any injury below their waist. He was also asked questions about 
the parts of the coach where he had seen flames. He has further stated that he 
had come to know that the fire had started from below a berth of that coach, 
but the passengers had not made it clear which berth it was. He has also stated 
that he had come to know that the passengers inside the coach ( S/6 ) had moved 
from Godhra side to Vadodara side to escape the fire. On being questioned as to 
whether he could smell any inflammable fuel, he has stated that he had no time 
or opportunity to form any opinion as to how the coach had caught fire. The 
persons whom he had seen standing little away from the railway track were 
onlookers and they were not aggressive. Replying to the suggestions, he has 
stated that from the information that he had gathered from the passengers, he 
had come to know that there was
 some scuffle when the train was at the station. Then there was chain pulling 
immediately after the train had started. Again there was chain pulling when the 
train had moved away from the platform and thereafter there was heavy pelting 
of stones on the train. As regards the cause for the scuffle on the platform, 
he was given two versions. One version was that there was a dispute regarding 
payment to one tea vendor and the other version was that an attempt was made by 
one karsevak to pull a Muslim girl and take her inside the train. He has stated 
that he had seen Mohmmad Hussain Kalota, President of the Godhra Municipality 
and Haji Bilal, a Municipal Councilor standing near the fire fighter but he had 
not seen any crowd near them. He had not met any PSI in charge of a mobile van. 
In view of the situation which had developed there, each officer was performing 
his duty according to what he had thought fit. In the Signal Falia it is not 
unusual for 400 to
 500 persons to collect at any time and at the time of namaz even more persons 
usually collect in that area. The Police Parade Ground is about 2 Kms. away 
from Godhra railway station and in a small vehicle it would take 7 to 8 minutes 
to reach the station from the Parade ground. It was suggested that he had not 
reached the Station before 8.30 a.m. The witness has denied that suggestion and 
he appears to be right as he had already informed the Collector from the 
Station at about 8.26 a.m. that there was fire in the train and considering the 
then prevailing situation immediate arrangements were required to be made to 
shift the passengers. On consideration of the evidence, it appears that he had 
reached the station at about 8.20 a.m. and near the train at about 8.25 a.m. 
Obviously, after reaching there he must have made an inquiry as to what had 
happened. Therefore, his version that he had inquired from police guards and 
the passengers what had happened and
 that he was informed by them that there was chain pulling and after the train 
had stopped there was heavy pelting of stones and the police was required to 
resort to firing to disperse the attacking mob. He was an officer of a high 
rank and from the evidence that he has given, it clearly appears that he has 
given a truthful version of what he had come to know and what he had seen. By 
the time he had reached near the train firing had already taken place and 
therefore, most of the persons in the mob were likely to have gone away from 
that place. He therefore, appears to be right when he states that he had not 
noticed a hostile mob near the train and the persons who were seen there were 
merely onlookers. 
Most importantly the train was five hours late and was scheduled to reach 
Godhra 2.55 AM, though we know information of late running of trains is easily 
available but no criminal will execute such act of arson in day time- 8 AM when 
5-6 trains arrive and depart Godhra at peak time. 
Role of 2200 Yatris who illegally occupied Sabarmati Coaches was not explained 
who were all supposed to be armed with Trishuls. 
Similarly organizers role who ought to have arranged for safe travel of their 
members and their names too were not disclosed.. 
Ravinder Singh 
April20, 2009 
Ravinder Singh <progressindia...@yahoo.com

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