---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <kmvenuan...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 1:13 PM
Subject: AlterNet: Former Gitmo Prisoner Moazzem Begg: Guantanamo Was Even
Worse Than I Realized
To: kmvenuan...@gmail.com

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Story of a Gitmo Prisoner.  Also,please see in a related article ,how little
things have changed in US after Obama by an executive order declared that
Guantanamo would be closed!

Former Gitmo Prisoner Moazzem Begg: Guantanamo Was Even Worse Than I

>From a cover-up over prisoners' deaths to the torture of Shaker Aamer, the
real story of Guantánamo is beginning to emerge.


You cannot build anything on the foundations of caste. You cannot build up a
nation, you cannot build up a morality. Anything that you will build on the
foundations of caste will crack and will never be a whole.




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