Whether Sikhs are killed by  the Taliban or the people of Afghanistan and Iraq 
among other countries   are killed by direct attacks or  through drones or 
otherwise by the Occupying powers or   the people from North India are killed 
or attacked in Mumbai  or citizens are  murdered by bomb blasts planted by 
covert organizations politically  associated with the assassination of Mahatma 
Gandhi or by other covert groups or individuals  whether Muslims , Hindus, or 
foreigners whatever the reality may be   as in Pune , manipulated  for this 
purpose by funded covert organizations  receiving foreign funding   or whether 
people are killed  by state terror   in encounters or  custodial deaths ,or 
innocent people die in violence such as in the Kashmir Valley , in regional 
agitations such as in Telengana/Hyderabad  or Maharastra  or at the hands of so 
called Maoists; or whether   Tribals  are tortured or  shot by Salwa Judum or  
para military organizations in the course of Operation Green Hunt or when 
honest police officials performing their duty to investigate Malegaon bomb 
blasts among other covert conspiracies and  lawyers performing their duty to 
represent those accused of offences  are assassinated , all these acts must be 
unequivocally condemned . Whether people are killed by bomb blasts in our own 
country or in other countries it is equally to be condemned .

Whereas on Television we see selective condemnation and hysteria depending upon 
the religion or class or caste or even nationality  of the person or persons 
killed . The assassination of lawyers , the framing up of innocent members of 
the minority community in India  misutilizing the propaganda of the 'WAR ON 
TERROR ' which served a political purpose , the caste related hate crimes have  
not been covered as comprehensively . Discussions on crimes are also used for 
selective propaganda purposes with' Intelligence Assets'  used  during the 
discussion both  from Pakistan and India .

It is almost as though both sides need the hate to justify the existence of the 
two nation states. If India continues to be tagged along with Pakistan which 
was created by British Imperial policy and served this policy for decades in 
South Asia  and we do  not rise above the pettiness of the rhetoric while 
securing firmly our  frontiers and our secular foundations  , we will find 
itself degenerating into a banana Republic with no 'Rule of Law ' , with  
institutions we had constructed and established fast eroding  , we are in 
serious and imminent  danger of this happening . Even as China advances to new 
technological heights and culture , we are degenerating in our discourse and 
the Scientific Spirit has been abandoned for some crude religious symbolism and 
vulgar ritualism by many .  Let us not create Indian Talibans we have some 
incipient ones already . However let us distinguish the Taliban in Afghanistan 
from the national liberation movement from military occupation of foreign 
powers .

 To emphasise it is necessary to develop according to our own ethos,needs and 
economic and social circumstances . We are not in competition or rivalry with 
any other nation state or society , we wish them all well , their own path . 
However without a higher civilizational perspective harnessing not only science 
and technology , permitting necessary and essential development and 
industrialization in consultation with affected people and interests , 
revitalising agriculture , small scale and rural industries , investing in 
priority infrastructure for those below the poverty line assuring livelihod and 
food security , we will be reduced to barbarism . We have to expand resource 
creation even as we have to redistribute , for this we need a society free from 
terror of every kind, with all issues open to dialogue .

There must be an adequate understanding in society that all over the world , 
through selective or large scale violence  there is an attempt to divide and 
rule , to obliterate from human understanding that man's /woman's first loyalty 
is to humanity and humanity is indivisible .However those who are imposing the 
violence will reap the consequences, as violence finally engulfs those who 
resort to it is the lesson of history .  The Intelligence Agencies of Pakistan 
trained the Mujahideen against the PDP government for decades from 1979 
financed and armed  by the USA , UK  , Saudi Arabia among other powers , to 
-day they are paying the price  with large scale violence engulfing all their 
cities and regions . If we support covert terror  against our citizens , we too 
will pay the price and this will not be limited to those immediately affected .

The world as a whole is changing . Everything even as the financial and 
economic system of many countries of the G7 are collapsing .  It is time to 
dialogue on the direction we should take , accepting that economic organization 
of society cannot be static just as social organization cannot be frozen 
reflecting out dated feudal and casteist values and that the life style of the 
American dream  was a bubble and cannot and should not be replicated as this 
kind of consumption directly depletes the resources of the planet which have to 
be renewed and passed on renewing its beauty by reviving its green cover and 
all sources of plant and animal life .

                                     Niloufer Bhagwat
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ram puniyani 
  To: ram puniyani 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 8:45 PM
  Subject: [humanrights-movement:2259] article

  Indo-Pak Peace Talks and Taliban Provocations

  Ram Puniyani

  There are reports (February 23) in Indian media that two Sikhs were killed by 
Pakistan based Taliban militants in Khyber and Orakzi areas near Peshawar. 
These Sikhs were part of a group of many Sikhs who had been kidnapped by the 
Taliban over a month ago. The Taliban had demanded Rs 30 million as ransom for 
the release of this group and killed two of them after the expiry of the 
deadline for the payment of the ransom, Jizya. Two persons, Gurvinder Singh and 
Gurjit Singh amongst others are still believed to be in the custody of the 

  Some reports suggest that these Sikhs were killed after their refusal to 
convert to Islam. Indian Government has reacted strongly to this mindless act 
by Taliban. Many an Indian political groups and a group of Muslim intellectual 
activists have also condemned this barbaric act in no uncertain terms. The 
group of Muslim intellectuals/activists in their statement point out, “The 
inhuman and un-Islamic act of killing innocent civilians has once again exposed 
the true face of the terrorists whose only aim is to use the name of Islam, the 
religion of peace and mercy, for their nefarious designs, ulterior motives and 
worldly pleasures. These are the people who denigrate the name of Islam and 
bring disrepute to all Muslims of the World. No civilized Muslim would accept 
the logic of killing innocents in the name of religion. Safeguarding the lives 
of its minorities from lawlessness, mayhem and protecting their lives and 
property is the paramount duty of an Islamic State. The continuous pressure on 
the Sikh community in Pakistan is alarming and demands urgent attention of 
civil society, religious leadership and the establishment in Pakistan.”

  The other aspect of this brutal act is that it is coming just in the wake of 
the Secretary level talks between India and Pakistan to begin this 25th 
(Thursday). Earlier also there has been a correlation between the improving 
Pak-India relations and such acts of insanity which put a great amount of 
pressure on Indian Government to put off the talks. There are numerous such 
incidents which one recalls. The first such major incident was the Kargil 
occupation by Pakistan army under Pervez Musharraf in the wake of Atal Bihari 
Vajpayee’s Bus Yatra which aimed to break the ice of coldness between the two 
neighbors. This was done without the knowledge of Nawaz Sharif, the President. 

  The second major act had been the Mumbai 26/11, 2008, before which Asif Ali 
Zardari had been giving positive signals of improving the relations between 
India and Pakistan. Today one is clear that there are multiple power centers in 
Pakistan. The democratic Government is trying to establish its writ, but the 
army and Taliban are doing their best to thwart the return of democracy, 
democratization process in Pakistan and betterment of Pak-India relations. One 
must compliment the Indian Government to keep its cool, and firmness in the 
face of these deliberate provocations. The need to distinguish between the 
civilian Governments, army-mullah-Taliban complex is mandatory if we want to 
understand Pakistan today.

  From the decades of 1980s multiple processes have gripped Pakistan and these 
had adverse impact on the whole of South Asia, India in particular. One recalls 
the rise of Zia Ul Haq with the support of US and Maulanas, led by Maulana 
Maududi. The formulations of Maulana Maududi provided ideal foil to the 
military dictatorship in Pakistan. At the same time US could merrily support 
Madrassa’s which were training Muslim youth as its cannon fodder for its plans 
to boost anti Soviet forces in Afghanistan, which was occupied by Russian army. 
Since US army was deeply humiliated due to its defeat in Vietnam, US 
masterminded to indoctrinate Muslim youth to be trained as terrorists. These 
were the one’s who joined anti Russian forces, which got defeated and since 
then these Taliban’s/Al Qaeda are creating havoc. Not only in India, they have 
also wrecked the life in Pakistan, several terrorist attacks, one of which 
killed the Pakistan ex-Prime minister Benazir Bhutto. Today Taliban/Al Qaeda 
types are like cancer eating into the vitals of Pakistan. Their impact is also 
felt here in India. Pakistan in a way is caught in a pincer movement, on one 
hand the Al Qaeda-Taliban creating havoc and on the other Army trying to remain 
as the major power center. India has a tough task to remain calm and firm in 
the face of this massive turmoil in the region.

  We must see clearly that in this situation Pakistan civil government’s hand 
must be strengthened so that it can deal effectively against the army 
highhandedness and terrorist nuisance in the region. One also must make it 
clear that what Taliban is doing has nothing to do with Islamic teachings as 
such. As per Islam, there can’t be force or compulsion in matters of religion. 
To force somebody to convert by force is not acceptable as per Islamic 
teachings. Also to kill the innocent people also goes against teachings of 

  As far a Jizya is concerned it was a tax levied on non Muslims in Muslim 
rule. This was in lieu of exemption from military duties and was a small 
proportion of the income of the person. It was mostly lesser than the Zakat, 
which is mandatory in Islam. Today to talk of Jizya is a political abuse of 
worst order; those using this language need to be restrained in the democratic 
society. The million rupee question remains, will civilian rule prevail over 
the fissiparous forces operating within Pakistan. Indian Government must take 
up the issue of protection of minorities in Pakistan without any compromise.  

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