Dear friends,

Thanks to the telecommunications sector, every new call and SMS is
hurting our environment. Lakhs of massive mobile network towers in our
country run on dirty diesel.

Airtel is the market leader and trend-setter of the Indian telecom
industry. If we get them to switch to renewable energy, it will set an
example for the others to follow. Customers are the mainstay of this
industry. Airtel would notice if customers ask them to make their
calls green by using clean energy to power company’s mobile towers.

You should ask Airtel to switch to renewable energy.

Several current and potential Airtel subscribers, asking them to
switch to renewable energy will help put pressure on them to act.
Since the company is bound to provide good service to its subscribers,
they will not be able to ignore this feedback.

Like coal and nuclear, oil too is an unsustainable energy option. The
Deepwater Horizon oil spill last year showed the dangers of our
addiction to oil.[2] Studies conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change have shown that renewable energy is capable of
powering the world.[3] Airtel needs to realise this and quit dirty

Tell them now.

Thanks a billion!

Abhishek Pratap
Climate and Energy Campaigner
Greenpeace India


1. Dirty Talking? Case for telecom to shift from diesel to renewable,
Greenpeace India, May 19, 2011

2. BP Oil Spill: How Bad Is Damage to Gulf One Year Later? Time
magazine, April 19, 2011

3. Renewable energy can power the world, says landmark IPCC study,
Guardian, May 9, 2011
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There are a few flaws in the Greenpeace argument , please reflect on
what is written here :

1. It is the West that is primarily responsible for global warming &
refuses to do little about it. USA & EU can very easily curb wasteful
use of energy of all types . Buying smaller cars , using fewer ,
smaller and more efficient appliances  ,  going vegetarian partly will
reduce energy consumption by leaps & bound & do the rest of the world
a lot of good too. In case of India , we as a country & especially the
our poor desperately need to raise their  living standards by
engaging  in productive economic activity  which will mean an
increased  per capita energy consumption . Our  poor desperately need
access to reliable electric supply , domestic gas , pumped in clean
water etc . , services that the West & we in cities like to take for
granted  & demand more of each day.

2. In the real green house culprit countries, the so called developed
world,   people enjoy the  benefits of high energy consumption  as a
routine & are loathe to fore-go the privilege . Their  homes & offices
have  heating & cooling to keep them comfortable all year round. The
buses , trains & autos too have both heating & cooling  . Have at
least one car , refrigerator , oven , may be a bbq , a mixer or food
processor  , washing machine & dryer  , dish washer  , tv , music
systems ,  cameras etc . as a norm . All this gadgetry based lifestyle
consumes lots of energy & emits greehouse gases during manufacturing
&  use , & adds to pollution if not disposed of properly.

3. Diesel is not heavily subsidized in India , it still costs more
than many other countries & fuel in India is priced among the highest
anywhere which restricts its use and makes us very  thrifty users . As
result of some convoluted  policies , diesel & petrol are  both
heavily taxed   by center & the states , & and  then subsidized  to
some extent , though  the subsidy on diesel is more than petrol  , but
far less than on gas & kerosene.  Almost 50~60% of the cost of diesel
& petrol in India is taxes. Our per-capita energy consumption is among
the lowest in the world.

4.  Solar or wind energy is not at all economically efficient  any
where in the world yet .  After giving all kinds of subsidies ,
incentives & tax reliefs Indian government is buying solar energy at
Rs 10~15 rs per unit from solar farms , then bundles  it with normal
electricity , sells it to us the consumers .  It is we who have to
eventually bear  the high cost of "green" solar .   Means our
electricity bill rises ,  we curse the government , argue that we now
have  less money for food , education or medicine  as we   are
ordinary middle class with little disposable income .  I guess our tax
money could be used better than supporting the farce.

5. Additionally one  needs lots expensive storage capacity to keep the
solar / wind / gasohol driven power/electricity  flow going if you
wish to be totally green , else you need conventional energy capacity
as back up to support the solar/ wind/ gasohol  power  whim  .  Both
the storage  batteries & conventional power generation  back up
capacities  go waste when not needed,  adding to the burden on the
consumer . You will also need to replace the storage batteries every
few years  . The manufacturing of such back up & storage batteries
consumes  scarce resources & adds to the green house gases  . One
needs to study the industry cost structure , the government subsidy &
incentives  , the product life cycle costs , the alternatives & the
side effects etc . to be sure of the clean green status you are
according to solar , wind or gasohol are really deserved . Gasohol ,
another green alternative is not really cheap or plentiful, needs lots
corn to make , if you grow too much corn there is less land for rice &
wheat , so the prices of these commodities go up. Only Brazil has some
spare land to experiment with gasohol. The rest of the world is not so

6. Airtel needs to be responsible like all of us  , but if it alone
has to bear  costs that are irrational & unproductive ,  it is a bit
unfair as  has to compete with others who do not  & finally any such
costs have  to be eventually borne by the Airtel's consumers and
shareholders .  Means we all finally get to pay the "green"  bill not
just Airtel . Just as the government recovers every dime of the cost
of solar & wind energy from us that it makes us buy unknowingly .  The
poor who now have  access to cheap communication because of efficient
mobile service operators will suffer the most , as they will need to
cut down on some essential expenditure like food , medicine or
education to pay the  "green"  bills to keep the earth from warming
up ,  or just opt to talk less .

7. The campaign is selective,  it imposes costs on an  economic
enterprise that has very little to do with green house gases, the real
problem that Greenpeace says it is out to cure   . Why not go after
GM , Ford  GE, Whirlpool etc.  the makers of gas guzzlers &  huge
appliances used in US homes  ?  Do Airtel's  competitors anywhere in
USA, EU , China , Africa use solar or any kind of green energy to
power the towers if they have to ? Even if this weird Greenpeace
initiative is confined to India ,  why leave BSNL , MTNL , Vodafone ,
RCOM & others who combined have 75% of the market , . Why put the
most  efficient operator at a disadvantage to others  who are doing
the very same thing ?

8. Airtel needs to be supplied high quality continuous electricity so
that it does not need expensive diesel back up  for the  towers . All
Indians too, especially the poor as  priority  need reliable  power
supplied to their homes , schools , hospitals , offices , shops,
factories . We now  have to buy expensive inverters & generators as
back up,  which  has created a huge "back up industry" that adds to
the green house phenomenon apart from being a colossal waste of our
limited resources. .

I refused to sign the petition & sent this letter to Greenpeace as it
is arrogant , illogical & whimsical offers no solution at all to the
problem at hand .

"Greenpeace needs to be concerned about the poor , tribals , animals &
environment in India & engage in activism that alleviates the misery
here . In this specific it needs to do its home work too before
jumping on to its next "activism" target & imposing thoughtless costs
on Indians while the real greenhouse culprits elsewhere  go scot-free.
" Hopefully it is not a "for the cameras" publicity generating
activism that it looks very much  like .

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