Salwa Judum and the Supreme Court

The carefully constructed decision to disband the untrained force of young
Special Police Officers in Chhattisgarh holds important lessons for the
exercise of executive power.

The Supreme Court's decision in *Nandini Sundar and Ors. v. State of
Chhattisgarh* is no ordinary one and, unsurprisingly, it has invited mixed
feelings. The Court declared the State of Chhattisgarh's appointment and
arming of Special Police Officers (SPOs) to be unconstitutional, and many
have taken pride in its defence of civil liberties. Simultaneously, though,
there is some discomfort over the decision's grand rhetorical narrative and
its seemingly ideological framing. The Court travelled considerable distance
to attack the State's ‘amoral' economic policies and the “culture of
unrestrained selfishness and greed spawned by modern neo-liberal economic
ideology.” Animated though these views are, mixed feelings over the decision
are largely unwarranted and it is important to explain why.

The Court's rhetoric in *Nandini Sundar* makes for lively conversations but
it shouldn't obscure the significance of the order or the importance of the
issues at stake. The central concern in the case was the State of
Chhattisgarh's creation and arming of a civilian vigilante group — the
‘Salwa Judum' — in the battle against insurgencies by Maoist/naxalite
groups. Thousands of tribal youth were being appointed by the State as SPOs,
and allegedly being called to battle. For the State, this presented one of
the only ways in which the Maoist threat could be met, and SPOs were
defended as being merely guides and sources of intelligence; they were
apparently provided firearms only for their self-defence.

The petitioners, on the other hand, argued that the true story was darker,
the entire policy lacked legal sanction, and that it had led to gross
violations of human rights in the Dantewada district and other parts of
Chhattisgarh. The SPOs were being casually trained and armed, and were
engaged in unrestrained acts of violence; all being carried out under a
stealthily created legal framework.

One of the major legal troubles here was excessive delegation from the
legislature to the executive. The SPOs were appointed under the Chhattisgarh
Police Act, 2007. But the Chhattisgarh Police Act said little, leaving far
too much in the hands of the executive. No details or limitations were
provided on the number of SPOs who could be appointed, their qualifications,
their training, or their duties. The blatant vagueness of the law stood, as
the Court observed, in sharp contrast to the Indian Police Act, 1861, which
also provides for SPOs. Despite being a colonial law, beset with its own
problems, the Indian Police Act nonetheless contains certain safeguards. It
requires, for instance, the appointment of SPOs to receive approval from a

Contrary to the State's assertions, the Court found that SPOs were playing a
major combat role in counter-insurgency operations, and that their brief was
not limited to non-combative assignments. The Court's findings paint a
disturbing picture. Youngsters, with poor training, were being recruited by
the State to engage in dangerous and deadly operations. They lacked both the
legal and professional education necessary for their tasks. In about two
dozen, hour-long periods of instruction, they were trained in all relevant
criminal laws such as the Indian Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure,
and the Indian Evidence Act. Another 12 hours were devoted to the
Constitution and human rights. In fact, their education was so modest that
the Court rejected the State's argument that the SPOs were being armed for
self-defence on, *inter alia*, the ground that they did not even possess the
necessary judgment to determine instances of self-defence.

In arguing its case, the State government put forth a desperate and churlish
set of arguments. It sought to reduce its culpability by asserting that the
youngsters appointed had voluntarily sought to engage in counter-insurgency
operations, almost as if to suggest that it is consent which was at issue
here. It further asserted that by providing such youngsters employment, the
State was giving them livelihood and the promise of a better future. The
Court was rightly aghast at such a suggestion, observing that it “cannot
comprehend how involving ill-equipped, barely literate youngsters in
counter-insurgency activities, wherein their lives are placed in danger,
could be conceived under the rubric of livelihood.”

We often witness the Court making such majestic statements but in *Nandini
Sundar* it walked the talk. These strong words were backed by strong
remedies. The SPOs were expected to perform all the duties of police
officers but were paid only an honorarium. This, and the arbitrary and vague
nature of their appointment and functioning, was held to violate the equal
protection guarantee in Article 14 of the Constitution. Article 21, the
right to life clause, was also hit, as the State displayed insensitivity
towards the lives of SPOs, placing them in danger without giving them the
necessary education and support they needed. There was some clever
craftsmanship here, but perhaps also a deeper point, with the Court
regarding the SPOs as victims rather than perpetrators. The appointment of
SPOs was thus struck down, and the State of Chhattisgarh was asked to
“immediately cease and desist from using [them] in any manner or form.” The
Union was also barred from funding the project; all arms were to be
recalled; the SPOs were to be given appropriate security; and, most
important, the State of Chhattisgarh was asked to ensure that no private
group engaged in counter-insurgency activities. Finally, the Court ordered
the Central Bureau of Investigation to investigate alleged acts of violence.

On each of these issues, the Court's view was crystal clear and powerfully
articulated. The ratio of the interim order, i.e. the operative part of a
legal decision which binds further state action and future cases, is
carefully constructed, and holds important implications for the exercise of
executive power. There are other legal aspects of the decision that merit
reflection. Article 355 of the Constitution, an often forgotten provision,
mandates that the Union ensure that every State government acts in
accordance with the Constitution. The Court correctly criticised the Union's
hands-off policy on SPOs, which involved funding the project but no follow
through on how precisely these forces were functioning.

Sadly, though, these legal niceties have been nicely ignored in much of the
public debate the judgment has triggered. Many commentators appear far too
fascinated with the rhetorical flourish with which the decision begins,
rather than the true legal character of the order. Admittedly, the widely
publicised, ideologically-ridden narrative is bewildering and was
unnecessary; it had no bearing on the dispute being debated. But it is also
precisely for this reason that we ought not to belabour it. The affinities
of individual judges can help us develop some sort of institutional
sociology of the Supreme Court. Such a sociological study would be
illuminating, but we mustn't confuse it with the legal impact of the case,
and fail to appreciate the varying significance of these issues. The
anti-neo-liberal lecture in the case binds no one, not even the judges
themselves. The ideological position espoused in the preamble may have
generated a fierce debate, yet the character of the battle against
insurgency operations is more important than it. The ratio of the judgment
in *Nandini Sundar* will outlive its rhetoric. Many have criticised the
judges as being a little too judgmental. As we unpack the details of the
decision, we ought not to be guilty of the same charge.

*(The author is at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi.)*


Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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