*Jamia Teachers’ Solidarity Association (JTSA)*

15th July 2011

*Don’t let Mumbai blasts investigations fall victim to prejudice and

JTSA offers its heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved and the injured in the
Mumbai serial blasts. We sincerely hope that the perpetrators of this
mindless violence will be brought to justice swiftly. There are early
indicators though that this investigation will be marred by prejudiced
investigating agencies. There are news items appearing in various media
outlets which cite the interrogation report of Md. Salman, a supposed
operative of the Indian Mujahideen (IM) to establish that Mumbai was on IM’s

Already we see that, though the Home Ministry has restrained from holding
any group culpable, the investigation is being gently pushed in one
direction. But even if one leaves aside for a moment the criticism that
investigators react in stereotypical ways, their compass needle invariably
pointing towards Azamgarh, there are serious issues arising out of this
reliance on Salman’s interrogation report for getting to the bottom of the
Mumbai serial blasts conspiracy.

Recall that Md. Salman, arrested by the Uttar Pradesh ATS from
Siddharthnagar on 6 March 2010, was acquitted in the 2008 Delhi blasts
earlier this year. This acquittal was at the point of charge, even before
the trial proper had begun—which points to the flimsiness of the
prosecution’s case against him. The prosecution had claimed that Salman was
a key member of the IM on the basis of what the recoveries they claimed they
had made at the time of his arrest. These were notably: a) A *Fake Passport*:
N*o passport* was ever produced in the court.—only a photocopy with a false
name which gave his age as 27 years was presented. b) *A health card* from
Saudi Arab, which again listed his age as 27 years.

Acquitting him, the Additional Sessions Judge stated that if Salman had been
arrested in possession of a fake Nepali passport and a health card from
Dubai, these were charges that should be dealt with separately. “How does
that (this evidence) make Salman a conspirator in these cases?” she had
asked the prosecution.

Not surprisingly, *the police did not book him under the relevant charges at
the time of his arrests, raising the suspicion that these seizures were
never made in the first place, but planted by the police later in order to
mislead the courts about Salman’s age.*Salman’s high school certificate
clearly shows that he was a minor at the time of the Delhi blasts and, even
if accused, ought to have been tried under the Juvenile Justice Act.

In an instance, where the courts have thrown out the prosecution’s
‘evidence’ and where there has been such grave suspicion of fabrication of
evidence, how credible can the interrogation reports of Salman be? Are we
going to go down the same convenient route of usual suspects, easy arrests,
and quick confessions yet again?

* *


Manisha Sethi, Sanghamitra Misra, Ahmed Sohaib, Adil Mehdi, Tanweer Fazal,
Ghazi Shahnawaz, Arshad Alam, Farah Farooqi, Anwar Alam, MS Bhatt, Azra
Razak, Ambarien Al Qadar, Haris Haq,

Adv Kamayani Bali Mahabal
*The UID project i**s going to do almost exactly the same thing which the
predecessors of Hitler did, else how is it that Germany always had the lists

of Jewish names even prior to the arrival of the Nazis? The Nazis got these
lists with the help of IBM which was in the 'census' business that included
racial census that entailed not only count the Jews but also identifying
them. At the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, there is an
exhibit of an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that was responsible
for organising the census of 1933 that first identified the Jews.*

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