----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kapil Mishra 
  To: niloufe...@vsnl.net 
  Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 12:12 PM
  Subject: Corrupt bill

  Dear Niloufer,

  The Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) bill is all set to be 
tabled in Parliament. You understand the dangers of GM food and have already 
signed a petition against this bill. Time is short and we need to get more 
signatures on this petition to show the strength behind this demand.

  You should forward the email below to your friends and family and ask them to 
sign this petition because the BRAI once formed, will be a non-transparent, 
autocratic body which will approve GM food crops without any safety checks.

  Thanks a billion!

  Kapil Mishra
  Sustainable agriculture campaigner,
  Greenpeace India


  Dear friend,

        Click here to save your food from corruption 
  Almost 50,000 people have already said no to corruption of their food. Yet 
the government is set to create the autocratic Biotechnology Regulatory 
Authority of India (BRAI), which will approve genetically modified (GM) food 
and escape scrutiny under the Right to Information act. Those who protested 
against this were arrested. [1]

  If the bill is cleared, our worst fears will come true. The clauses in this 
bill make BRAI an unquestionable, autocratic body, run by the proponents of 
genetically modified (GM) food, to allow GM crops in our country without 
checking their safety.

  Thousands of people have already joined the attempt to make the World's 
biggest GM Free Baingan Bharta to show the Prime Minister that we don’t want 
BRAI. One lakh signatures on this petition will help make the World Record.

  You should ask Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to stop this bill because it is 
no transparent and a threat to our food:


  Right now the nation is witnessing an uprising against corruption.[2] The 
government is feeling the pressure. Lakhs of people coming together against 
this corrupt bill will help show the government that we don’t want foreign 
corporations, developing GM crops, to mess with our food.

  The bill in its current form allows BRAI to escape the purview of the Right 
to Information Act. We will not be able to find out what they are putting in 
our food. Informed public opposition, which helped stop Bt brinjal,[3] might 
not get a chance if this body is created. Ask the PM to stop the bill now!


  Thanks a billion!

  Kapil Mishra
  Sustainable Agriculture Campaigner
  Greenpeace India

  P.S. Want to support our campaigns? We don't take money from any corporation, 
government or political party! We never have, and we never will. Do help 
Greenpeace remain fiercely and proudly independent. We will send you a 
Greenpeace T-shirt as a thank you for showing support for our campaigns by 
donating. Click here to chip in.

    1.. Protesters opposing BRAI bill arrested, Greenpeace India August 17, 
    2.. India unites: Protests, fasts across nation in support of Anna Hazare 
and Lokpal Bill, Times of India, August 16, 2011
    3.. India says no to Bt brinjal, for now, www.rediff.com, February 9, 2010
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