So you are back on the topic ..glad you are asking some tough
questions to the anti-graft movement ... though it is a bit different
from actually being anti-graft. Not that it counts as valuable
contribution . I believe DigVjay , Tiwari , Sibbal et all have a
greater hand in getting the popularity  of Congress down than may be
even Anna himself else a 80% rating at various polls & surveys would
be unimaginable ? I too keep asking " What has Anna done to deserve
it ? Has the whole country gone holy?" Then comes DigVijay on TV, and
I begin to get it.  It is indeed a historical times we live in  and
one needs to make due contribution according to ones conscious .

My list of hidden crore-pati's is the same as every Indian's list who
are asking " How are these gentlemen multiplying their wealth 60x in
five years while working for our benefit 24x7 ? And  what else is
multiplying so fast  in this country except corruption , scams , the
zeroes connected to scams , Swiss Bank Deposits , rotting grains ,
farmers suicides , disappearing  mines & forests & the numbers of the
anti-graft community ?"  A BJP politician did say "May be Pawar Sahib
forgot a few zeros .. has probably has lost the count of zeros by
Though I wish I could help you , I am really not the best not a
spokesperson for team Anna , and I believe everything is on the net
for you to see   . Kejriwal did say so on TV when DigVijay Ji too put
the question to him as you do to me here  . And  the TV too showed
long ques of people donating , voluntarily setting up kitchens etc.
may be they were RSS or ASS or ZSS .  Kejriwal & Kiran  too  it seems
are prepared for an inquiry any time by a committee  headed by
DigVijay , Arundhati ..may be you could suggest a name or two , will
help you  get a set of originals to keep as movement moments.

Jai Hind

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