*Shinde on Hindutva Terror: Terminological Confusions*

*Ram Puniyani*

Protests are being organized and threats to stall the proceedings of next
Lok Sabha session are being dished out to oppose the Home Minister Sushil
Kukar Shinde’s statement about the Hindu terrorism, its links with BJP and
RSS. (23 Jan 2013). There are two major components of this statement. One
is the use of the prefix Hindu for terrorism, and two about RSS-BJP links
with terror training camps. What Shinde called Hindu terrorism has also
been called Saffron terrorism or Hindutva terrorism. This prefix is to
point out to acts of terror indulged in by the likes of Sadhvi Pragya Singh
Thakur, Swami Aseemanand, Col. Prasad Shrikant Purohit, Kalsangara, Sunil
Joshi and many like them who were either actively associated with the
ideology of Hindutva, or even were organizationally associated with RSS.
Others were at that time or previously linked with some progeny of RSS like
ABVP, Bajrang Dal etc. Many of them were part of organizations like Sanatan
Sanstha, Abhinav Bhararat, who again aim at the goal of Hindu Nation or are
ideologically inspired by the agenda of RSS.

The home minister’s remarks are based on investigations done Anti Terror
Squads of different states and by National Investigation Agency. Earlier
the announcement was made by the former Union home minister P. Chidambaram,
in July 2010, to Parliament that the National Investigation Agency (NIA)
will probe the terrorist attacks on the Samjhauta Express and examine the
conspiracy behind the attack, including the links of the accused in
terrorist attacks at Malegaon (September 8, 2006), Mecca Masjid in
Hyderabad (May 18, 2007) and at the Ajmer dargah (October 11, 2007). He had
used the word Saffron terror.

Various such acts of terror in which these people have been involved have
been coming to light from last ten years or so. In 2003, in Parbani, Jalna
and Jalgaon districts of Maharashtra; in 2005, in Mau district of Uttar
Pradesh; in 2006, in Nanded; in January 2008, at the RSS office in Tenkasi,
Tirunelveli; in August 2008, in Kanpur etc. Few of the details of some of
these acts are very revealing

   1. On 6th April 2006 two Bajrang Dal workers died when making the bombs.
   The place where they died belonged to the RSS worker and saffron flag was
   hoisted atop the hose. There was also a board of Bajrang Dal Nanded Branch
   on the wall of the house.

   1. In Thane on 4th June 2008, two Hindu Jagran Samiti workers were
   arrested for planting the bombs in the basement of Gadkari Rangayatan, due
   to which 7 people got injured. The same group was involved in the blasts in
   Vashi, Panvel also.
   2. In Goa a bomb kept in a scooter went off on the eve of Divali (17th
   Oct 2009) in Margao. It killed Malgonda Patil and seriously injured Yogesh
   Naik. Another bomb was detected in Sancoale in a truck carrying 40 youth
   for Narkasur competition. Both the activists belonged to Sanatan Sanstha.
   The second aim of this blast was to create communal tension in Margao,
   which has a history of communal violence. This group takes inspiration from
   Savarkar (Hindu Mahasabha) and Hedgewar (RSS) and indoctrinates its members
   into hating Christians and Muslims.
   3. On 24th August 2008 two Bajrang Dal activists died in Kanpur, while
   making bombs. The Kanpur zone IGP S.N. Singh stated that their
   investigations have revealed that this group was planning massive
   explosions all over the state.
   4. Indian Express, 23 Oct 2008 reports that those involved in the bomb
   blast in Malegaon and Modasa (Sept 2008) had links with Akhil Bhartiya
   Vidyarthi Parishad. Similarly in Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu pipe bomb attack on
   RSS office (Jan.2008) was projected to have been done by Jehadi Muslims.

The common pattern of these acts of terror has been twofold. One, that in
few of such cases the activists related to Bajrang Dal or fellow travellers
were killed while making the bombs. Second these acts of terror were
targeted to kill the Muslims, so these acts were organized at times when
the Muslims congregations take place, at the time of namaz or festivals
like Shab-e-Barat in Malegaon, or in Ajmer Sharif where they come in large
numbers or Samjhauta express where the major number of travellers is

While in the initial phase police authorities working under the prejudice
that ‘all terrorists are Muslims’ misdirected their probe, the probe came
on the proper track after the Malegaon blasts when the motor cycle of
Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, the former activist of Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi
Parishad, a wing of RSS, came under the scanner and her links with many of
those who have been named above and are currently in jail, came to the
surface. These facts came to light due to the initiative and immaculate
investigation done by the then chief of Maharashtra ATS, Hemant Karkare.
Karkare pursued the investigation professionally putting together the
threads due to which today most of them are in jails. While pursuing these
investigations Karkare came under immense pressure from the politicians
belonging to BJP and its close cousin, Shiv Sena. During this time Narendra
Modi said that Hemant Karkare is an anti National, (*Deshdrohi*) and Bal
Thackeray in his Saamana wrote that’ we spit on the face of Karkare.’ Later
Karkare got killed in the Mumbai terror attack of 26/11, 2006.

The people involved in some way were associated to the affiliates of RSS or
RSS itself. Mr. Singh, Home secretary has given some of the names from RSS
stable who have been allegedly involved in acts of terror

1. Sunil Joshi (dead), he was an “activist of RSS” in dewas and Mhow from
1990s to 2003.
2. Sandeep Dange (absconding), He was “RSS pracharak” in Mhow, Indore,
Uttarkashi and Sajhapur from 1990s to 2006.
3. Lokesh Sharma (arrested) He was RSS ‘nagar karyavahak’ in Deogarh.
4. Swami Assemanand (arrested), He was “associated with RSS wing Vanavashi
Kalyan Parishad” in Dang, Gujarat in 1990s to 2007.

4. Rajender alias Samunder (arrested), He was “RSS Varg Vistarak.”
5. Mukesh Vasani (arrested), He was an “activist of RSS” in Godhra.
6. Devender Gupta (arrested), was a “RSS pracharak” in Mhow and Indore.
7. Chandrasekhar Leve (arrested), was a “RSS pracharak” in Shajhanpur in
8. Kamal Chouhan (arrested), was a “RSS activist.”
9. Ramji Kalsangra (absconding), was a “RSS associate”.

This is in addition to Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, Swami Dayanand Pandey,
Lt Col Prasad Shrikant Purohit, Retd Major Upadhyay, who have been close to

While some beans were spilled by many of these accused the whole picture
was pieced together by Swami Aseemanand, when he decided to confess in
front of the magistrate. In his confession Swami gave the details of the
whole set up raised under his coordination and involving many RSS workers
and their associates. The major reason for this whole planning as per him
was to counter the Islamic terrorism as witnessed in Sankat Mochan temple
etc. and second goal of theirs’ was to pave the path of Hindu nation.

The later investigation of ATS and now NIA has unearthed the linkages due
to which these activists are cooling their heels in jails. Meanwhile in the
wake of most of these terror blasts many a Muslim youth were arrested, some
of whom were later released for the lack of any credible evidence. So this
whole series of terrorists are Hindus. Does this then justify to label this
type of terrorism as Hindu terrorism? By no means! Shinde is wrong to label
this terrorism as Hindu terrorism.

Is the term ‘saffron terrorism’ correct? No way. This term was used by many
including the then Home minister P. Chidambaram in the wake of the
investigations done by Hemant Karkar in the case of Malegaon blasts. While
one does not approve the term Hindu terrorism or saffron terrorism at all,
one will like to see the background in which this term came to be used.

The RSS routinely adopts resolutions seeking to “curb Islamic terrorism
with an iron hand”. The term Islamic terrorism was first coined by American
media in the light of 9/11 act of terror. This was the first major attempt
to label an act of terror with religion. This became the most popular word
and all and sundry resorted to this word time and over again. This was a
deliberate mischief by US to target the Muslims and thereby get legitimacy
to launch attacks in the West Asia to control over the oil resources. In
India also large section of media picked it up. RSS and its progeny in
particular highlighted the religious nature of this terrorism, and the word
Jehadi terrorism was the common one to be used. In a way associating
terrorism with religion became a dominant norm and it became part of
popular perception.

In this backdrop when the acts of terror done by many Hindus came to light,
it somehow came to be labelled with prefix Hindu or Saffron. Term Islamic
terrorism and Jehadi terrorism is as much wrong as the term Hindu or
saffron terror. The right word for first one may be Al Qaeda type of
terrorism and for the second, Hindutva terrorism. Here again using Hindutva
terrorism is fraught with some misunderstanding. As such Hindutva is a
politics aiming at creation of a Hindu nation but due to its containing the
word Hindu in it, it is also taken to be a religion in popular
understanding. So the dilemma for Shinde! How to label this group of terror
deeds? Probably one will like to make it clear that it is Hindutva
terrorism, it has nothing to do with Hindu religion and the difference
between the terms Hindu (a religion) and Hindutva (a politics) needs to be
made clear in popular parlance.

So it’s hypocritical to make the intense noise while the word Hindu-saffron
terrorism is used. Same set of people are using the word Islamic terrorism,
Jehadi terrorism and propagating that all terrorists are Muslims. One has
to know that the phenomenon of terror has been promoted in the Madrassas
specially set up by America in Pakistan to indoctrinate the Muslim youth
and bring up Al Qaeda type formations. So why demonize Islam, Muslims and
use the term Jehadi terrorism? Both such abuses of religion run parallel to
each other.

What about the statement that training camps run by RSS and BJP? In all
fairness one conceded that the training camps run by RSS have gone to give
the training in rifles but the training centres of bomb making and use are
not directly conducted by RSS-BJP. Surely these activities are done by
those associated with RSS-BJP. One can’t take lightly the picture making
rounds on social media, which shows Rajnath Singh and Shivrajsingh Chowhan
with Sadhvi Pragya Thakur. One also can’t dismiss the fact that Lal Krishna
Advani and Sushma Swaraj had gone to see the prime minister to plead the
case of Pragya Singh Thakur in particular. One cant ignore that those
running these training camps had or were associated with RSS in some way,
actively at that time or in the past.

So all this protests and threats of BJP, threats to disrupt the session of
Parliament are their usual political tactics and do not have any meaning,
as their indirect or direct association with the terrorists is so much
obvious. What Shinde is stating is factual but terminology is confused, and
that’s not due to his own fault. We as a society have not been able to come
to coin correct terminologies for different acts of terror anyway, so why
get away with using the word Jehadi terrorism and haul Mr. Shinde to the
coals for such a use of the term.?

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