----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Niloufer Bhagwat 
  To: humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com ; ial central 
  Cc: Feroze Mithiborwala 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 4:30 PM
  Subject: Re: Reopen all investigations into the terror attacks in Maharashtra 
& restructure the Anti-Terror Squad By Feroze Mithiborwala & Kishore Jagtap

    Dear Colleagues,
    The role of Anti Terrorist Squads in all States where innocent individuals 
from minority communities have been falsely arrested and tortured, and where so 
called   encounter deaths have taken place, need to  be probed by the NIA and 
by a National Judicial Commission with terms of reference to include the role 
of the IB in the directions  if any given to Anti Terrorist Squads of the 
States to frame minorities on the basis of covert policy . 

  Individual officers of the IB and other police officers  in the States who 
have dissented from these directives including those who have retired and have 
knowledge of these goings on must be  summoned to depose before the NIA and the 
National Judicial Commission to clean up the police force as honest police  
officials are  also being victimized .

                       Niloufer Bhagwat
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Niloufer Bhagwat 
    To: humanrights-movement@googlegroups.com ; ial central 
    Cc: Feroze Mithiborwala 
    Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 4:16 PM
    Subject: Re: Reopen all investigations into the terror attacks in 
Maharashtra & restructure the Anti-Terror Squad By Feroze Mithiborwala & 
Kishore Jagtap

     Dear Colleagues,
      1. I endorse your demands for re-investigation by the NIA  into bomb 
blast cases in Maharashtra  as the investigations conducted by the  Anti 
Terrorist Squad  are prima facie seriously flawed as per the disclosures of a 
retired DGP Mr. Mushrif among others .

    2. The investigation report of Mr. Hemant Karkare into the chain of bomb 
blasts  be made public as people have a right to know about a serious 
conspiracy endangering internal security with implications for national 
security falsely blamed on minorities .

     3. One  Judicial Commission is required to investigate  26/11 as several 
police officials and  policemen lost their lives  for which the police 
officials or their association ought to have demanded an official Judicial 
Commission not a committee of  retired bureaucrats  and Mr. Mushrif retired 
Director General of Police  among others have questioned the official version, 
in particular the killings of Mr. Hemant Karkare and  other police officials 
and policemen.

    4. Another Judicial Commission is required to probe all other cases of bomb 
blasts in Maharashtra as the wider conspiracy is required to be exposed as 
these were chain events by the same conspirators .

    5. The murder of Shahid Azmi Advocate defending an innocent accused person 
in the 26/11 trial  and other innocent persons in the bomb blasts trials, also 
requires to be re-investigated by the NIA ( NATIONAL INVESTIGATING AGENCY).

    6. The manner in which RDX was allegedly acquired from a military 
institution be probed by the NIA.

      These are separate issues, yet form a continuing conspiracy against the 
security of the
    country ,  which resulted in the killings of police officers and 
policemen,and constitute a chain of incidents which were used to  scapegoat and 
politically , socially and economically 
    marginalize  minorities which continues with pre-election riots in UP and 
Maharashtra  to polarize the electorate in the absence of a manifesto for the 
electorate as a whole including vast sections below the poverty line and middle 
income groups.

                              Niloufer Bhagwat

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Feroze Mithiborwala 
      To: undisclosed-recipients: 
      Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 2:47 PM
      Subject: Reopen all investigations into the terror attacks in Maharashtra 
& restructure the Anti-Terror Squad By Feroze Mithiborwala & Kishore Jagtap

      Reopen all investigations into the terror attacks in Maharashtra & 
restructure the Anti-Terror Squad.

      By Feroze Mithiborwala & Kishore Jagtap

      30th January 2013


      Mr. Munaf Hakim,

      Chairman, State Minorities Commission,

      Government of Maharashtra,


      Sub: Reopen investigations into all terror attacks in Maharashtra since 
2002, as well as appoint new honest & secular officers in the ATS squad.

      Respected Sir,

      Firstly we wish to congratulate you for the courage you have shown in 
demanding that the NIA reopen the investigations of the Jalna, Purna, Parbhani 
& Nanded terror attacks. Thus including the list as below, we are now referring 
to a list of 17 terror attacks in Maharashtra alone.

      We also congratulate the Union Home Minister Mr. Sushil Kumar Shinde, as 
well as the Home Secretary Mr R. K. Singh for having stated that 10 RSS (though 
there are far more) & BJP activists are being investigated for their 
conspitorial role in fomenting the terror attacks in Malegaon, Samjhauta 
Express & Mecca Masjid.

      Now since the lies of the last decade & more are unraveling before the 
entire nation & the truth is there for all to see, we further demand that all 
the terror attacks that have taken place in Maharashtra in the last decade & 
till the recent terror attacks, all be reinvestigated.

      We therefore demand that the following terror attacks be reinvestigated & 
they are as follows:

      Mumbai: Our city is clearly the prime target of the terror attacks with 
11 terror attacks.

        a.. December 6, 2002 - Bomb goes off in a bus in Ghatkopar, killing 2 
        b.. January 27, 2003 - Bomb goes off on a bicycle in Vile Parle, 
killing 1 
        c.. March 14, 2003 - Bomb goes off in a train in Mulund, killing 10 
        d.. July 28,  2003 - Bomb goes off in a bus in Ghatkopar, killing 4 
        e.. August 25, 2003 - Two Bombs go off in cars near the Gateway of 
India and Zaveri Bazaar, killing 50 
        f.. July 11, 2006 - Series of seven bombs go off in trains, killing 209 
        g.. February 20, 2008: A bomb is planted at Cineraj cinema hall in 
        h.. May 31, 2008: A blast takes place at Vishnu Bhave Auditorium in 
        i.. June 4, 2008: A bomb explodes in the parking lot of Thane’s Gadkari 
Rangayatan theatre, injuring seven. A play, A m h i P a c h p u t e, was to be 
staged there. 
        j.. November 26, 2008 Mumbai terror attacks: Do note that, there are a 
number of questions that are yet to be answered & thus we do demand a ‘National 
Judicial Commission of Inquiry’ to be constituted as well, as clearly the ‘Ram 
Pradhan Committee’ inquiry is insufficient to say the least. The Interpol had 
stated that the 26/11 terror attacks were plotted from across 7 countries & all 
we have is a report that looked into the failings of the Mumbai & State 
security apparatus. 
        k.. July 13, 2013: A series of three coordinated bomb explosions at 
different locations in The blasts occurred at the Opera House, Zaveri Bazaar, 
and Dadar Kabootarkhana (West) localities, leaving 26 killed, and 130 injured. 
      Also note that in the case of Panvel, Vashi & Thane, the investigation 
agencies have arrested members of the Sanatan Santha, but yet the investigation 
needs to much deeper to further uncover the links with the national terror 

      Pune: This is another city that is key to unraveling the truth of the 
communal & fascist forces behind the terror attacks.

      ·         February 13, 2010: Pune, German Bakery, killing 17 people, 
including five foreigners, and injuring 60.

      ·         August 1, 2012: Pune Serial blasts, 1 injured.

      Apart from the fact that the RSS-Sangh Parivar affiliates, such as the 
Abhinav Bharat, as well as the Sanatan Santha who are under the terror scanner, 
yet the Hindu Dharam Raksha Sena led by Dhanajay Desai is yet of the radar of 
the investigating agencies despite repeated warnings. 

      Dhanajay Desai is creating an underground armed militia & the sources of 
his finances (both national & international) & ammunition need to be tracked & 
exposed. Dhananjay Desai is forming a formidable army of unemployed lumpen 
youth from the slum areas of Mumbai & across India & this militia is a threat 
to the very harmony & integrity of our nation, much as the assorted 
Frankenstein-Lashkar’s now pose to Pakistan. Dhanajay Desai’s role in both the 
Pune terror attacks must specially be investigated, apart from his role in all 
the above terror attacks as well.

      Bhonsla Military School in Nashik & all the young recruits numbering more 
than 5000 that underwent training under Lt. Col. Purohit, the founder-leader of 
the Abhinav Bharat also must be investigated.

      The death of Shankar Shelke, a scrap dealer also needs to be 
investigated. As per the investigation of Shri Hemant Karkare, Shelke was 
involved in the smuggling of RDX that was being supplied from the Ahmednagar 
Military Ordnance Factory & was used in the Malegaon terror attack. Shelke is 
said to have committed suicide whilst in police custody. His wife continues to 
claim that her husband was murdered by the police so that the investigation 
into the supply of the RDX would fail to proceed further, as it clearly has.

      We also demand that since the Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) led earlier by both 
Mr. Raghuvanshi & now Mr. Rakesh Maria, having either willfully misled the 
investigations, or having proved to be incapable of pursuing the true 
perpetrators, must be made to resign from their current posts, suspended & an 
inquiry be instituted against all the police & intelligence officers involved 
in these investigations.

      It is indeed a matter of shame for the Maharashtra-ATS, that it was the 
Rajasthan-ATS investigation that led to the truth of the Malegaon terror 
attacks, whilst the Maharashtra ATS was busy forging evidence & implicating 
innocent Muslims, many of whose families & lives they have destroyed, apart 
from tainting an entire community with a deep sense of guilt & fear. 

      There needs to be high degree of professional & moral accountability, as 
they just cannot play with the lives of ordinary people & thus examples must be 
set, lessons learnt. Heads must roll!!

      Thus the ATS, which is the key to preempting & investigating terror must 
be led by honest, capable & secular police officials - & here do we have the 
example of Shri Shaheed Hemant Karkare.

      Thus we also demand to know the exact status of the investigations based 
on the evidence that had been painstakingly collated by ex-ATS Chief Shri 
Shaheed Hemant Karkare.

      The simple fact of the matter is that, if the Maharashtra ATS would have 
honestly investigated & apprehended the perpetrators way back in in 2002 & 
onwards, we would not have faced the fear of perpetual state terror & 
increasing communal polarization that we have all had to live with.

      Thus we demand that the Government of Maharashtra ensure that the 
Anti-Terror Squad be reconstituted & the true perpetrators of the terror 
attacks in which innumerable innocent Hindus & Muslims have been killed, be 
apprehended & the law take its natural course.

      Feroze Mithiborwala 

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