What about the rape and murder case in Jind, Hariyana??


On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 5:06 PM, Ranjana <ranjanapa...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

>   ------------------------------
>  *From:* Soma Marik <mariks...@hotmail.com>
> *To:* "feministsin...@yahoogroups.com" <feministsin...@yahoogroups.com>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 28 August 2013, 13:37
> *Subject:* [feministsindia] Statement on Mumbai and some Recent Rapes
>   *Punish Rapists without Consideration of Identity. No Double standards.
> No Communalisation. No death Penalty. Make Homes, Public Places and Work
> Places Free from Sexual Harassments*
> * *
> *Radical Socialist Statement on Recent Rapes*
> Despite the tall claims of the politicians, two rape cases have in the
> past few days highlighted the stark reality that even after six months of
> the notorious Delhi bus rape case, nothing has changed for women. In Delhi,
> the Godman, Asaram Bapu, was accused by parents of a 16 year old girl that
> she had been raped by him in his Jodhpur Ashram, in Rajasthan. Given his
> high profile identity, Rajasthan police first stepped very gingerly, while
> the BJP immediately went on the offensive, claiming that he was a “saint”,
> and the charge was motivated by the UPA because he has attacked Sonia
> Gandhi. Thus, in typical display of power, a rape charge became a matter of
> power politics. According to the latest news, Jodhpur police have decided
> to drop the charges of rape while keeping the charges of sexual assault,
> against him, while Bapu compared himself to the Buddha.
> In sharp contrast, the gang rape in Mumbai of a photojournalist has been
> followed by prompt police action. Yet, what was so terrible was that this
> 22 year old young woman, on an assignment from a magazine, had gone to take
> pictures in the abandoned Shakti Mills compound on 22 August, accompanied
> by a male colleague, and was accosted by a group of men, who passed obscene
> remarks, and on that being protested, attacked them, tied up her male
> friend, and gang raped and beat her with beer bottles till she fell
> unconscious. When she regained consciousness, she untied her friend, and
> they went to Jaslok Hospital, where doctors called on the police. An FIR
> was registered, and the next morning sketches of the accused were issued.
> All the five persons have been arrested.
> The alacrity with which the Mumbai police have moved in this case, due to
> public pressure and wide scale protests, is commendable. However, the fact
> that such incidents are occurring everywhere in India and even though on
> paper the government is committed to take actions against rapes, the state
> machinery does not move swiftly, indicating the complete disregard for the
> fundamental rights of women. In this particular case, the woman was trying
> to pursue a professional assignment. Such violence is both a torture and
> trauma inflicted on her, and a blow against all women and their equal right
> to mobility at any time and any place, to work.
> The harassment of women professionals in the media among other professions
> is rising rapidly along with work-place related sexual harassment, most
> women have had to work in sexist atmosphere and are exposed to biased
> reactions from employers and colleagues and contractors. This was clearly
> observed by the Supreme Court of India in the* *Vishakha Judgement [writ
> petition criminal Nos. 666 – 70 of 1992, Vishakha & Ors. Vs. State of
> Rajasthan & Ors.]. However ‘The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
> (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 ("*Sexual Harassment Act
> *"), passed by the Indian Parliament due to consistent pressure by the
> women’s group, is yet to be implemented.
> We demand that government, police and employers everywhere take the
> responsibility of ensuring that everyone has the right to pursue work of
> her/his choice, and that attacks on such rights are under all circumstances
> opposed and where such attacks involve in any form a breach of law, duly
> punished.
> At the same time, the fact that Raj Thackeray has come out with a
> statement that the rapists were Bangladeshis is a deeply disturbing
> development. We reject class, caste, or ethnic profiling, and condemn the
> selective action against rapes and sexual violence, depending on whether
> the accused belongs to the “right” category.
> The selective anger of the Shiv Sena is contemptible. A Shiv Sena MLA,
> Anil Kadam, recently threatened to strip women toll plaza workers and was
> forced to resign only because his utterances were caught on camera.
> Rapes are occurring in an alarming way all over India. In same month, 23
> August a young adivasi policewoman in Jharkhand was gang-raped on a
> National Highway while accompanying her family members for the burial of
> her sister. An eleven year old girl with some neurological disorder was
> raped in the North Delhi on 14 August, when she had gone out play. The
> Park Street rape case in Kolkata started a wave in West Bengal where the
> ruling party and its Chief Minister would deny rape, accuse the victims of
> lying, of being politically motivated, accuse all protests of being CPI(M)
> or Maoist inspired.
> And every time there are rapes and protests, there is the demand,
> patronised by those very politicians who in reality have no serious
> attitude to sensitising police and judiciary, ensuring speedy trial in
> cases of sexual violence, that rapists should be hanged to death.
> National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data shows that incidents of reported
> rape in the country have increased by 791% since 1971 (murder increased by
> just 240%, and robbery by 178%, kidnapping increased by 630%). And at the
> same time, conviction rates for rapes dropped from 41% in 1971 to 26% in
> 2010. Further, this 26% is a percentage only of those cases that actually
> do go all the way to courts. One estimate suggests that not more than one
> out of ten rapes goes to the court. Just as, unless there is a massive
> protest, there will be no trial for Asaram Bapu, and the young girl will be
> branded a liar and a tool of the UPA. Under such circumstances, the call
> for death penalty will simply mean the selective hanging of a few people,
> usually of the “correct’ class/caste/community (lower class, low caste,
> minority) while others will get off.
> According to the NCRB, offenders were known to the survivors on over 94%
> of rape cases. Rapists are not mostly the unknown like assailants of the
> Mumbai Rape Case. So death penalty will mean not only judicial and police
> reluctance, but even greater social pressure on the victims not to bring in
> charges in the first place.
> In the Radical Socialist statement on the Delhi Rape Case in December
> 2012, we had commented that “*We oppose the demand for death penalty on
> both principled and practical grounds. We are opposed to death penalty per
> se and therefore to its extension. But we also assert that in reality, the
> enactment of a law making death penalty possible for rape will have the
> opposite effect. That is when class as a factor will seriously come into
> play. It is the elite who will get away with lesser penalties, or will not
> even be convicted as police play an even worse role than now, while one or
> two lower class rapists will be hanged as so-called exemplars*”. The fact
> that Sushma Swaraj has demanded the death penalty for the rapists in the
> Mumbai case while the BJP staunchly stood by Asaram Bapu shows how correct
> the foregoing assessment was.
> We condemn:
> Ø  Gang rapes and all other forms of sexual violence either as blunt
> assertion of male power or in the name punishing the enemy party,
> community, caste, ethnic groups and class.
> Ø  Politicization and communalization of sexual violence.
> Ø  The demand for death penalty instead of addressing the issues of
> controlling women’s sexuality, and socially endorsed norms of masculinity
> We demand:
> Ø  Speedy and impartial investigation, trial and punishment of the guilty
> in the Mumbai and all other rape cases.
> Ø  Immediate arrest of Asaram and action against officials who delayed
> the necessary procedures demanded by the law of the land.
> Ø  Exemplary action against officials at all levels who do not follow the
> legal procedure under undue pressure.
> Ø  States take the responsibilities of gender sensitization training of
> the officers at all levels in all seriousness in dealing with cases of
> sexual assaults.
> Ø  Adequate training of the administrative personnel on the laws and
> procedures for handling the cases of sexual violence of persons with
> disability.
> Ø  Ensure safety everywhere whether at home or public spaces or work
> places
> Trupti Shah
> Soma Marik
> (Radical Socialist)
> (Radical Socialist)
> 28 August, 2013
>                                                                   28
> August, 2013
>  __._,_.___
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