*CSSS’s Journey for Peace, Justice, Democracy and Secularism*
The Centre for Study of Society and Secularism and its staff has been
humbled by the National Communal Harmony Award announced on the eve of
Republic Day in the year 2014 by the National Foundation for Communal
Harmony. We accept the prestigious Award with all humility and with resolve
to work even harder to promote communal harmony. The Award comes as
recognition of CSSS’s work to promote communal harmony in our country with
all its diversity in terms of religion, culture, language, customs,
traditions, regions and caste.
We wish our Late Chairperson Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer was alive. It is his
hard work in establishing the Centre that has been recognized by the Award.
He sweated and toiled to establish the Centre, guided it, and led from the
front. His tremendous energy, tireless efforts, his leadership and
marvelous foresight contributed to the Centre right from the beginning 20
years ago. The foundations of the Centre were laid by him much before it
was formally established – his pioneering study of communal conflicts in
India right from the first major post partition communal riot in Jabalpur
in 1961. Every violent communal conflict thereafter warranted his attention
and study. However, he did not stop after understanding the causes of
communal conflicts in India. He tirelessly established Insani Biradari in
the 1970s, persuaded prominent secular minded cultural activists and
notable citizens to speak up against communalism, among them being Balraj
Sahani who, on Dr. Engineer’s request, cancelled his hard earned holidays
to Kashmir and campaigned for peace along with Dr. Engineer after
devastating riots in Bhiwandi in the year 1984. Along with Shabana Azmi he
organized peace march from Delhi to Meerut, and several peace marches
thereafter. After the series of communal riots in the Northern and Western
India, Dr. Engineer proceeded to establish Ekta – Committee for Communal
Amity, with Trade Unions, Human Rights Organisations and other peoples
movement constituting the platform. He would organize workshops to create
peace cadres and dispel the myth that communalism was rooted in religion.
He would argue that communalism is rooted in political ideology. After the
1992-93 riots, Dr. Engineer wrote his fact finding report – *Bombay’s Shame*
 and called a meeting of secular intellectuals from all over India to think
about the response and the Centre was born. The DNA of CSSS ever since has
been academic as well as activism for activities to promote better
understanding between various communities and promote pluralism and
We at CSSS always understood that communalism was a threat to democracy and
the rich diversity of India. Communalism is also threat to the democratic
movements and struggles of the marginalized sections of the society for
equality and their rightful share in development. Communal forces
strengthen and justify and complement social hierarchies with a discourse
of hierarchically structured political rights based on birth and regions
like caste, gender, place of birth, location of holy land etc.
Ordinary and toiling Indians – the artisans, workers, peasants, service
class have learnt to live with diversity since centuries. In fact they
consider diversity as blessing. It is the elite of various communities
which seek to defend their feudal privileges and feel threatened by
discourse of equality. Ideology of communal nationalism is then constructed
to create authoritarian state that privileges the elite of one community
over the other and on the marginalized sections of one’s own community.
CSSS has now completed 20 years. During these 20 years, CSSS was helped and
supported by its donors, a wide network of activists, ever eager to
participate in its workshops and sharpen their perspectives with regards
communal conflicts and thereafter work as peace workers, promoting
harmonious relations between diverse communities, equipped with knowledge
to dispel myths and prejudices against minorities. This web of peace cadres
helps us monitor the communal situation in most affected states of India.
Internships and fellowships help us support a tiny number of dedicated
peace workers who then constitute steel structure for All India Secular
Forum, a platform for organizations working for peace and secularism
throughout India. AISF exists in 13 states in India and undertakes protest
campaigns against communal politics and advocacy for peace, communal
harmony, democracy and secularism.
Wide circulation of fortnightly *Secular Perspective*, Secular Action
Network edited by our Chairperson Dr. Ram Puniyani, articles of Dr.
Puniyani, all of which are much awaited by many are crucial tools to create
counter discourse on equal rights as citizens and culture of human rights.
The social media like Facebook, WhatsApp and other platforms too help us
keep in touch with our workshop participants and activists and keep up the
flow of information to the peace workers. Compiling e-list of enthusiastic
readers of the articles posted through CSSS network helps us reach
Culture is another arena where we have entered thanks to our sister
organizations like *Kabeera* (Mumbai), Lok Kala Manch (Ahmedabad).
Partnering with these organizations, we are trying to reach to a wider and
uninitiated audience nurturing popular beliefs about the “other”, helping
them critically examine and question their beliefs.
We are reaching out to the children in a slum in Mumbai in order to
inculcate values of love and accepting those who are different than
themselves and their community with equal love and respect. The children
through series of theatre games are becoming more confident, learning
through critical thinking and through playing games. They have even given
cultural performances.
We have organized over 200 workshops to sensitize police in Mumbai, Nasik,
Haryana, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Meerut, Varanasi, and several other
Sensitizing journalists and teachers is another priority area for CSSS and
we have organized several workshops with the target audience.
Research and publications, including quarterly journal – *Indian Journal of
Secularism* help us reach various sections of society.
Yet there is a long long way to go and the members of the Executive Council
and CSSS will not rest till we marginalize and neutralize communal forces
and communal ideologies. We would work even more hard and achieve the dream
of our founder Chairperson – To grow to be a leading and effective
institution that is able to nurture values of pluralism and pursuit of
knowledge and truth, and culture of peace. He used to remind us of three Ds
– Diversity, Dialogue and Democracy.
Our DNA is thank tank and activism to promote communal harmony and we
solemnly resolve to maintain this unique feature of CSSS along with
flexible approach.
This Journey of CSSS would have been impossible without all the stake
holders and supporters and fellow travelers – the donors and financial
contributors, the Executive Council with its able leadership and guidance,
its staff that has worked as a team and worked hard, the peace workers,
including the interns and the fellows who form the steel frame of All India
Secular Forum, the state coordinators of All India Secular Forum and member
organizations who halve always helped CSSS organize its activities in
various states; the well wishers of CSSS who have always stood with the
CSSS during its trying times and times of crisis and finally the movement
for justice and peace, the victims of communal conflicts, that inspire us
to go on in spite of all the hardships.
May justice and peace be achieved soon.
Irfan Engineer, Director, and the staff of CSSS

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