*All India Secular Forum*

*Annual Convention 2014 at Varanasi March 23-24, 2014*

*Dear Friends*
We are passing through difficult times. The attack on secular democratic
values is getting fiercer by the day. Communal violence is unabated and
places in UP, more particularly around Muzzafarnagar, have witnessed
massive violence. In Bihar also, after the withdrawal of the BJP from the
coalition Government, the number of incidents of communal violence has gone
up. Even acts of terrorism have been reported. All over the country, the
communal forces are trying to grab power by taking advantage of communal
polarisation and making use of false propaganda of development of Gujarat.
The communal forces, through clever use of media, are hiding their sharp
claws behind the veil of mythical development.
These are challenging times and we need to strategise our work around these
issues. While the promotion of secular values and ethos are an urgent need,
we also have to look at short term and long term goals of secular
democratic movement. It is at this juncture that we plan to hold the
National convention of All Indian secular forum in Varanasi on March 23-24,
2014. All India Secular forum has been striving to bring together activists
from different walks of life in different parts of the country to carry on
the work to strengthen the values of our Constitution, the values of
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, to promote the values of freedom movement
and to work for harmony and pluralism.
You are most cordially invited to attend the forthcoming meeting.

The agenda of the meeting will be

a. Review of our work during the last one year.
b. Need for urgent short-term measures in the light of forthcoming
c. Making our awareness programs more broad based
d. Planning for resource material for our activists.

Details of Programme

Dates of convention : March 23-24, 2014
(Programme will begin at 10:00 a.m.)

Place of convention : Navsadhna, Tarna (Varanasi-Jaunpur Road), Varanasi
We are not able to provide for the travel, but keeping in mind the
importance of the meeting, we are sure you will make it to the meeting. We
will be able to provide modest accommodation and local hospitality. In
L.S. Herdenia (National Convener)  Ram Puniyani, Irfan Engineer Dr. Mohd.
Mob. 09425301582 Mob. 09322254043 Mob. 09869462833 Mob. 0941527041

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