*Politicizing the Plight of Kashmiri Pundits*

*Ram Puniyani*

Politics is a strange game where no holds are barred for electoral
advantages. It also expresses, to some extent, the political ideology of
those playing these games in addition to the distortion of events, which
are done deliberately. Interpretation of the very same events is
diametrically different for different political groups. The sad plight of
Kashmiri Pundits exodus is no exception to this.

During his election campaign the BJP leader Narendra Modi has been making
several statements which at one level are factually inaccurate and at
another level they have communal interpretation through and through. He
stated that biggest blow to secular fabric of India was delivered from
Kashmir from where Kashmiri Pundits were forced out and that Abdullah’s
(Sheikh Abdulla, Farooq and Omar) were behind it. (28th April 2014) In
response Farooq and Omar shot back that exodus of Pandits took place under
the Presidents rule with Jagmohan, a BJP hand, as the Governor of Kashmir.
That time it was the V.P.Singh Government at Center and this Government was
being supported by BJP from outside. While all three Addullah’s  are not
the same, nor is their role a continuum nor all of them secular angels the
tragedy of exodus of Pundits is much more complex than being attributed to
them. The role which each of the Abdulla’s played cannot be put in the same

As such communalism has been the great bane of the subcontinent and its
biggest and most tragic expression was the partition of India in which
millions were butchered and a larger number migrated to both sides of the
border. Apart from these migrations which took place, forcing people to far
off lands, there are local migrations also, which follow the communal
violence of mass scale like the one in Mumbai 1992-93 or Gujarat 2002 where
the people left their homes, where they were living for decades and had to
shift to the other parts of the same city leading to formation of ghettoes,
Mumbra in Mumbai and Juhapura in Ahmadabad being two major ones’.

The roots of exodus of Kashmiri Pundits lies in the aftermath of the
partition, the decision of Maharaja of Kashmir to remain independent, the
attack of Kabayilis, Tribal, from Pakistan and the Sheikh Abdullah’s strong
stance to accede with India and not with Pakistan. This decision was not on
religious considerations but was with the hope that in India secularism
will flourish with leaders like Gandhi and Nehru. With murder of Gandhi by
communal forces and the pressure of communal forces to forcibly abolish
article 370, the autonomy of Kashmir started being questioned. Just to
recall Article 370 was the basis of accession of Kashmir to India. This
Article gave to autonomy to Kashmir Assembly in most matters barring
defense, communication, currency and external affairs. With the opposition
to this clause and demand for forcible merger of Kashmir to India by
communal forces, the Sheikh started feeling jittery. He started
reconsidering his decision of accession to India, leading to his arrest and
starting of process of alienation in Kashmir. This process of alienation
led to militancy in due course and with the encouragement from Pakistan
took on dangerous proportions. Still this militancy was centered on the
concept of Kashmiriyat. Kashmiriyat is synthesis of Buddhism, Vedanta and
Sufi traditions. After the hanging of Maqbool Butt in 1985 and the entry of
Al Qaeda type elements in Kashmir in the aftermath of Afghan war, this
militancy got transformed to being communal. The result was that the
Hindus, Pundits, started being targeted badly.

Even before1990, the first major exodus of Pundits took place after the
partition riots and partly due to land reforms introduced by Sheikh
Abdullah. Incidentally the Hindu population in Kashmir had gone through a
very complex history of conversion to Buddhism and later to Islam through
Sufi saints. The Hindus started being referred to as Pundits from
15thCentury onwards. This happened after Akbar won over Kashmir and
the Hindus in his administration. He was impressed by their qualities and
conferred the title Pundit on them.

The process of latest exodus begins with communalization of the militancy,
a transition from Kashmiriyat to Islamism. One version a la Modi says that
Kashmiri Pandits were driven from Kashmir valley by the Muslim militants
and this was a planned move by the Muslim majority Kashmir. The Muslim
majority was totally opposed to the harassment of Pundits.

In this militancy while Hindus were targeted in a big way, even Muslims
were not spared. We will have a look at the figures of the casualties and
destruction of property in Kashmir by the militants. Thousands of Muslims
from different parts of the Kashmir valley also had to migrate to the
neighboring Himachal Pradesh in search of employment. Over 40.000 Muslims
from Kashmir also live in a refugee camp in New Delhi. They have also taken
to various jobs like coolies etc in neighboring states. One of the Times of
India report (5th Feb.1992) based on official figures reported that
militants killed 1585 men and women, including 982 Muslims, 218 Hindus, 23
Sikhs and 363 security personnel between January 1990 and October 1992.

The wholesale migration of Pundits from the valley was a big blow to the
traditions of the valley. The damage by militants was to both the
communities and not to Hindus alone. The Pundits were intimidated much more
and had considered migration first in 1986 but this decision was held in
abeyance due to the appeals of a goodwill mission, which was constituted by
reputed Kashmiris, steeped in plural culture. As we saw in 1990 the
militancy was stepped up. This time around Mr. Jag Mohan, who later became
a minister in BJP led NDA Government, was the Governor of Kashmir. Balraj
Puri in his book Kashmir (Orient Blackswan, 1993) points out that Jagmohan
 ensured dissolution of the goodwill mission to Pundits by pressurizing one
of the Pandit members of the team to migrate to Jammu (Puri, 2000, 65).

Balraj Puri in March 1990 stated " I found no hostility among common
Muslims in Kashmir against Pundits, and that allegations of gross
violations of Human rights by security forces needs to be
investigated"(Puri, 2000, 66). At that time Hindu Communal forces took it
upon themselves to spread fear amongst Pundits, "Much disinformation is
being spread in Jammu and Delhi that scores of Hindu temples and the
shrines have been desecrated or destroyed in Kashmir. This is completely
untrue and it is baffling that the Government has not thought it fit to ask
Doordarshan to do a program on mandirs in Kashmir just to reassure people
that they remain unharmed."(Press Council of India, 1991)

All things considered the problem of Pundits migration is unfortunate
outcome of the alienation of Kashmiri people resulting in militancy,
communalization of militancy in late 1990s, Hindu communalist outfits’
baseless spreading of fear psychosis and pressure of Governor Jag Mohan and
not due to the Hindu-Muslim hostility, not due to Abdullah’s.

 Poet Kalhan of Kashmir, in his classic Rajtarangini writes that it is only
through *punya (*noble deeds*) *and not force that Kashmir can be won over.
We need to remind ourselves of this profound wisdom of Kalhan while making
policies about Kashmir. Rather than putting the blame on one political
stream. The role of global politics, the historical baggage of partition
and post partition problems, the role of global terrorism propped up by US
policy of control over oil resources; its influence on militancy in Kashmir
and the role of communal forces in spreading fear also need to be kept in
mind while commenting on this tragedy of mammoth proportions.

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