
On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 5:41 AM, ram puniyani <>

> *Love Thy Neighbor: *
> *Nawaz Sharif’s Visit to India*
> *Ram Puniyani*
> India Pakistan relations have always been mired with in various
> controversies, which have been preventing the friendly relations with our
> neighbor, who in ‘popular perception’ is seen as an *enemy*. It is due to
> this that while all the members of SAARC countries have been invited, the
> one to draw maximum popular attention has been the coming of Nawaz Sharif,
> the Prime Minister of Pakistan. In a deft move India’s the then Prime
> Minister designate sent an invite to all the heads of SAARC countries for
> his swearing in ceremony, (16 May 2014)which was held with great pomp and
> show.
> Nawaz Sharif faced lots of obstacles in accepting this invitation. His
> family, his daughter included, tweeted and called for acceptance of the
> invite, she argued as to why India and Pakistan are living in a hostile
> situation like North and South Korea, why can’t they live like the
> countries of European Union. She was actually echoing the sentiments of
> most of the Pakistanis who want the strengthening of democracy in Pakistan
> and good relations with India; she articulated the aspirations of
> Pakistan’s majority for whom peace with India is synonymous with the path
> of good democracy and development. In my own visit to Pakistan a couple of
> years ago I was overwhelmed with expression of longings of Pakistanis for
> friendship with India. This also gets reflected in their warm gestures in
> welcoming you, and showering the best of hospitality on you. The major
> obstacles in Pakistan to the peace with India come from the strong army and
> the Mullah alliance. This time also as the Modi invite was in the pipe line
> the terrorist attack took place on Indian Consulate in Afghanistan, in
> Herat. The Hafiz Sayeeds of Pakistan raised their eyebrows and dished out
> the usual threats. One also recalls that the horrific terrorist attack on
> Mumbai on 26/11 2008 took place when the process of peace between India and
> Pakistan was to pick up. The correlation between the steps of Indo-Pak
> peace process and attacks of terror, in which the hand of terrorist groups,
> who have their support from the some army quarters is unmistakable.
> One also recalls during previous NDA regime when Atal Bihari Vajpayee
> wanted to initiate the peace with Pakistan and took the friendship bus to
> Lahore, the then Pakistan army did not welcome it and expressed its
> reaction by occupying Kargil. Pervez Musharraf was the army Chief at that
> time. This Kargil occupation by Pakistan army had to be fought by Indian
> army supported by Clintons’ reprimand to Pakistan to withdraw from Kargil.
> During my trip I also happened to meet the civic activists who are
> committed to friendship with India. These activists along with their
> counter parts in India have been promoting forums like Pak India People’s
> Forum. They are also promoting peace and are campaigning amongst other
> issues, for the release of innocent fishermen who get arrested here and
> there. Currently Nawaz Sharifs’ releasing of the fishermen before his visit
> to India is a positive gesture towards better relations with India and in
> turn peaceful South Asia. One also had a chance meeting with those working
> for and identifying with the work of ‘Aman Ki Asha’, (Hope for Peace) a
> joint platform of the major Indian daily along with a Pakistan daily.
> Here in India the major rhetoric against Pakistan is indulged in mainly by
> BJP, when it is not in power. BJP has a contradictory attitude vis a vis
> Pakistan. When not in power BJP has been using Pakistan bashing to polarize
> the Indian society along religious lines. When in power, it offers an olive
> branch and releases pigeons of peace. One recalls that our current Prime
> Minister had brought in polarization in Gujarat after the Godhra tragedy
> and Gujarat carnage by primarily attacking Pakistan and its President
> Pervez Musharraf. In the Assembly elections of 2002 the hoardings were
> having Modi on one side a Musharraf on the other side, as if Modi was
> fighting elections against Pervez Musharrf. Even during the election
> campaign of 2014, Modi did resort to menacing gestures towards Pakistan.
> His party colleague Giriraj Singh was very abusive to Pakistan. Here the
> ‘social-communal common sense’ is so constructed as if Indian Muslim is
> loyal to Pakistan, the Indo-Pak cricket matches are seen more as India
> Pakistan war rather than a sport which should act as a bridge between the
> countries in a sportsman’s spirit.  Irrespective of the fact that it was
> Madhu Gupta who was caught spying for Pakistan, the major feeling is to
> suspect every Muslim as a potential Pakistan spy. Our legendary film star,
> Peshawar born, Dilip Kumar (Yusuf Khan) was humiliated times and over again
> for his accepting the Pakistan’s highest civilian Award Nishan-e-Pakistan.
> Rumors against Dilip Kumar were circulating on regular basis. Every
> skirmish on the border is used to denigrate Pakistan and at the same time
> criticizing Congress for its ‘soft’ approach to the issues. The anti
> Pakistan rhetoric is one of the major tools in the hands of BJP, when it is
> not in power.
> Its ally Shiv Sena goes one step forward. It has regularly created ruckus
> on every occasion of Pakistan India interaction. It dug up the pitch on the
> cricket ground to prevent the match, programs of Pakistan artists are
> disrupted and even now when Nawaz Sharif decided to come, Shiv sena
> threatened to boycott the oath taking ceremony. Fortunately wiser counsels
> prevailed and Shiv Sena chief decided to participate in oath taking same.
> Unfortunately today in whole of South Asia the religious minorities are
> going through a rough weather, Christians and Hindus in Pakistan, Hindus
> and Muslims in India, Hindus and Buddhists in Bangla desh are facing
> constant violence and intimidations of other types. The violation of the
> rights of minorities needs to be halted through mutual talks and
> cooperation. The atrocities on minorities in one country cannot be undone
> by doing atrocities on the other ones in other country. Every innocent
> person irrespective of her faith has a full right to follow one’s faith.
> This can be a major agenda to be taken up by SAARC countries in the times
> to come. Peace and reconciliation amongst communities has to be brought in,
> this is the pre-requisite for growth and development.
> As far as Pakistan is concerned, more the democracy becomes strong there;
> the hold of army may weaken and peace process will become stronger.
> Strength of stranglehold of army in Pakistan is inversely proportional to
> health of democracy and friendship with India. While in India the
> democratic ground is stronger, a positive attitude to the democratic
> Government of Pakistan will empower it vis a vis the feudal-army-mullah
> forces there, in turn strengthening the peace and making us focus more on
> basic needs of the people related to health, nutrition, education,
> employment rather than increasing the defense budget. It will help us to
> focus more on bread and butter rather than on guns and ammunition.
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